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  • Dec 2, 2017, 10:25 AM
    Stay or Go
    I have currently being working a Company A for 2 1/2 years. About a year ago, I applied for another position at Company B, due to a horrible boss and hostile work environment. Company B did not hire me, so I've have stay at Company A hoping it will get better and it has.

    That boss has since left and things have been looking up. I enjoy going to work and working with everyone I work with. Things have done a complete 180 to where I would not look for another job.

    Company B calls me out of the Blue and offers me the position I applied for a year ago. I was so excited more money better hours etc...So I accepted the position due to more money. Not really thinking about the commute (30 min drive opposed to a 5 min drive) or anything else.

    I have put my two week notice in for Company A. I have been training at Company B at nights and I don't think its the place for me. I have one week left of my two week notice and most likely Company A would be more than happy to let me stay. What do I do?
  • Dec 2, 2017, 11:23 AM
    What do you want to do, and why? What if you have another terrible boss at company A again, and the work environment becomes unbearable? What if the work environment of company B gets worse when a terrible boss takes over? My point is that things can change for better or worse wherever you go, so being happy, and satisfied forever is unrealistic at best.

    Only you an say if the lure of more money is worth the commute to a new company, or the closeness and familiarity of the old job is best at this time. Which one gives you the best chance to build a life that you enjoy? Are you so sure company A will welcome you with open arms if you decide to return. Or that B will embrace you for wasting their time with your training?

    I think you should decide what you want for yourself and make a choice. My choice would be the one that offered the best money, AND career opportunities for the FUTURE, despite whatever changes, or challenges (RISKS) that happen to come with the territory. Where do you see yourself at both companies in the future? Which will make YOU the happiest?

    Hope that helps you make a decision based on FACTS, and not just feelings.
  • Dec 2, 2017, 03:12 PM
    OK, I'll go the other way and say stay. (It's what I was going to say anyway.)
    Why? I LOVE short commutes.
    And you know you are happy where you are.

    I have an old trick of flipping a coin. The instant the coin lands, ask yourself, in that split second, if you are happy or sad at the side it landed on.
    There's your answer.
    Your mind has to be clear and open for your own feelings for it to work.

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