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  • Oct 28, 2017, 11:54 AM
    How do I get passed the hurt & pain of losing my mama?
    My mama passed Away on August 16, 2017, No one told me of her passing until Sept 13. They lied and said she died at 430pm on Sept 13. Upon investaging we found out. The person (her sister) she was staying with gave her body to science. After my sister talked to them . They gave her ashes (what was left of her) to my sister. I have her ashes with me now. My question is how do I get past all the hurt, anger, and pain? Nothing works I have thought of even harming myself. What do I do to get past all this?
  • Oct 28, 2017, 12:39 PM
    Please don't do anything rash, as I know the pain is still fresh and very raw, but maybe you can talk to your other family members and find out why they did things the way they did. Even so it may take a very long time before your grieving is replaced with acceptance and understanding.

    For now I can only offer sympathy and hugs, inadequate though it may be.
  • Oct 29, 2017, 10:01 AM
    I can't give good advice without knowing where you were in the last year.
  • Oct 30, 2017, 04:50 AM
    "Nothing works" - I know it feels that way. When my mother passed I was crushed. The only thing that I've found to work is time. Little by little you start to feel just a tiny bit better. Then after some time you start remembering the good things about your mom, the times you spent together, and the laughs you had. Time does work. It's been 10 years since my mom passed now and just recently I was in the building where she graduated college. That brought back another happy memory. So let time do it's thing and realize it's very okay to grieve.

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