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  • Jul 31, 2017, 10:26 AM
    Remembering dream in a Dream!
    Today I had a dream can anyone explains it ?
    1st dream- It was like a movie, I saw a boy who was a thief keep stealing from others. One day he stole something from a girl and I reached out to the girl to help her get back her things and basically I did all the detective works and caught the guy in a very dramatic way and settings in the dream and I caught the culprit returned the girl her belongings that he stole from her.
    2- Then I saw myself waking up from this dream, thinking and about the dream. I thought the dream was like a movie I should write it down and make a small movie or do something with the whole dramatic story that I just dreamed about. I was writing and I was excited, while writing I was trying to recall everything and it was slowly getting fade and I got anxious!

    This is the moment that I actually got up from my dream into the reality and realised that the whole time I was dreaming.

    What could this be? Any insight? Thank You!
  • Jul 31, 2017, 10:43 AM
    A dream is just a dream... doesn't really "mean" anything. Just your subconscious at work while you are sleeping.
  • Aug 1, 2017, 08:07 AM
    Never dwell on your dreams or the feelings after. That's my own insights since we never know what really triggers them except bits of our sub consciousness. Dreams are from the last bit of the sleep cycle. See them as the signal to bring you back to reality. I am not a dreamer interpreter, but I suspect you may be putting more into this than you should and you don't need that pressure for added specific details to use as clues into your own mind.

    So what's going on before you fell asleep with your yesterday?
  • Aug 1, 2017, 04:04 PM
    Hahah! Actually, that night I slept very well, so well that I was able to dream.

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