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  • Jul 30, 2017, 11:58 PM
    What organizations provide donated cars to low income seniors in van nuys, ca
    I'm a disabled, low income senior in Van Nuys, CA. What organizations provide donated cars to seniors in need of transportation. I live alone and unable to do local errands and grocery shopping without a car. Online food delivery./grocery delivery is too expensive. Also must go to food banks as well and they don't have a delivery service. Also could help other seniors in my situation.
  • Jul 31, 2017, 03:10 AM
    How are you going to afford maintenance, Fuel and Insurance? ALL of which are required as well.
  • Jul 31, 2017, 05:52 AM
    This service will help you with transportation.Transportation Services | ONEgeneration
    Your local senior center in Northridge can also help you ROBERT M WILKINSON MULTIPURPOSE CENTER | City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks
    Let us know if this helps you.
  • Jul 31, 2017, 07:00 PM
    If on-line delivery is too expensive, you can't afford a car, even if given to you. Insurance might be $1000 a year or more depending on where you live, gas and maintenance isn't free. I volunteer at a food pantry. Many of our clients car pool.
  • Aug 15, 2017, 09:12 PM
    I'm only asking for information not to have someone who doesn't know me to presume to know my complete financial situation. Because I find ordering food online pricey doesn't mean I can't afford to put gas in a car, and maintain it. I simply cannot afford to buy a car. I also have disabilities, live alone, don't have the luxury of having assistance to grocery shop so I need to find cost-effective ways to take care of myself. I'm surprised you're so insensitive and judgemental for someone who works at a food pantry!
  • Aug 16, 2017, 05:40 AM
    My tiny town in CT has programs in combination with other towns around the area to give donated cars to anyone who is low income.
    Somehow, few people seem to know about it.
    I know someone who went right to the top of the list, not because of income, but because she was the only one who didn't need an automatic.

    Even with the 2 links kindly provided by teacherjenn, keep asking around locally.
    I knew someone who was evicted quickly for living in the commercial space she had rented. I called the town, and was told that the town would pay for a month of moving and storage of her possessions.
    You never know til you ask!
  • Aug 16, 2017, 01:10 PM
    1. I'm surprised you're so insensitive and judgemental for someone who works at a food pantry!

    That was certainly not my position, I'm sorry you feel that way. However, I was trying to be practical and have you consider the cost of operating a vehicle. Even if someone were to give you a car, according to AAA, the average cost of purely owning and driving a mid-sized sedan in the US is roughly $4,000 per year. As I noted, many of our Pantry clients cannot afford a vehicle and therefore carpool. They can get 60# of food per month and can go to any other pantry. Our only restriction is they live in our county. I do not know of any foodbank in the Atlanta area that delivers free groceries, too much liability. Some Churches deliver meals but only a limited basis. I volunteered today and counted the # of cars that came through. Of the 32 families we served, a little over 50% were carpooling. You mentioned you are disabled. Under your state law, can you qualify to drive a car? Do you have a drivers license?
    There are a number of US counties, mine is one, that provide local transportation service on a mini bus. You pay $5 and they will take you anywhere in the county. So, some people use the bus to go get food and then are picked up and delivered home.
    I am a senior citizen, 76 YO. Believe me, I consider all the costs needed to operate a vehicle. Right now, my 2 cars are 12 and 9 years old, both with an excess of 150,000 miles. Cars are depreciating assets, poor investments except for classic models.
  • Aug 16, 2017, 09:12 PM
    I gave you information based on your request, yet it was not acknowledged. If you cannot afford to purchase a car, then use the information I gave you for free transportation. The links are for your local senior center in the San Fernando Valley. I do know your area because I grew up there and have family still there. Both links can help you get to shopping, Doctor appointments, etc. Have you been to your senior center? It is amazing! I hope you use the services they provide.
  • Aug 17, 2017, 08:27 AM
    My van costs 2016:
    ins 630
    gas 145
    tax 440
    other 35
    total 1250

    I am financing it, new, at 258/mo as well
  • Aug 17, 2017, 08:52 AM
    You can look into these even though it's not region/state specific.

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