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  • Jul 29, 2017, 03:16 AM
    Should there be free drug testing at clubs and festivals?
    In the UK this summer festival goers will be able to test drugs that they have for purity and strength for free and with no interference with the police. The charity that is doing it has full backing by the police and is said to hoped to be continued to do the same testing at big club events. What do people think about this?
  • Jul 29, 2017, 04:09 AM
    It doesnt sound good as there are other factors involved. Dealers could also use the "service" as a way to check the cut. Also there may be a false sense of security surrounding the outcome of the test. Is there a chain of responsibility ?
  • Jul 29, 2017, 04:24 AM
    What a joke... why do some people think they are above the law and have some "right" to abuse illegal narcotics, or break any other crime. I'd hope they have police watching WHO has what so they can lock them up and make the Festival safe for those who don't abuse. Most places aiding a crime is also a crime.
  • Jul 29, 2017, 04:24 AM
    AS far as I know you just give them a sample of what you have, wait 30mins and they tell you what's in it. You also get to speak to a nurse about possible dangerous of taking what ever you have
  • Jul 29, 2017, 04:31 AM
    The police have agreed not to be involved in this process because there has been a few deaths this year in the uk due to dodgy drugs. They are hoping less people will be harmed if they are allowed to test what they are taking
  • Jul 29, 2017, 04:44 AM
    Police SHOULD be involved.. CRIMES are taking place.. and the crimes SHOULD be charged. And the Drug Dealers SHOULD be locked up. Any Cop that overlooks that is not a cop who is doing their job or their Duty, and is a cop who should be fired.

    If they overlook that...then who can complain ( and why wouldn't they overlook some of these too) when they overlook Organized crime..the gangs..Car Thieves or any OTHER criminals.
  • Jul 29, 2017, 04:50 AM
    Most of the police forces up and down the country have agreed to this as trial in the hopes of saving lives. If just one life is saved by doing this doesn't that make it worth it?
  • Jul 29, 2017, 04:58 AM
    Saving lives by encouraging MORE narcotic abuse? Nope, ignoring real laws to save people intent on breaking them? Sorry, nope don't buy that argument at all.

    It encourages the drug dealers, sheilds the Drug Cartels... increases the losses of society cause by Substance abusers, victims of crimes committed by those drug abusers to secure MORE of their illegal drugs... Sorry, mone of their lives even ONE are not worth the cost they incur to the rest of society.

    I'm receptive to programs that are geared to breaking their addiction... NOT to helping it continue as well as helping those who caused it in the first place. I've seen what Drug abuse has done and is doing to Europe..first hand over the last 30 years. And the USA for much longer.
  • Jul 29, 2017, 05:18 AM
    So what will they do to stop the deaths from the pure drugs... both from the people using them, and thinking that since they were tested they are now "safe", and from the people who don't use, but who happen to die or be injured as a result of someone's actions?
  • Jul 29, 2017, 05:22 AM
    Once the drug has been tested you speak to a nurse and they tell you how pure/strong the drug is and can give you some medical guide lines on how much you should take as to not risk an overdose
  • Jul 29, 2017, 08:06 AM
    WHY DO THINK YOU HAVE TO USE DRUGS? Narcotics (as well as alcohol when consumed in quantity) are a crutch for people who can't or won't face reality. They ALL cause harm to the abuser long term... even Prescription drugs are not completely safe. ANYONE who isn't addicted to them, themselves over the age of 30 has seen first hand what it does to people they have known. And anyone who feels a NEED to take them... as you have been essentially doing over and over IS addicted. And should seek help to break that addiction, rather than wasting time trying to dream up ways to take more.

    They aren't safe.. they never will be safe... anyone that thinks they are is really not nearly as well educated on the subject as they think they are.

    THat's not being said to be mean.. that's being said so you wake up and see it before you cause yourself permanent harm if its not already too late in which case not cause even MORE permanent harm.

    You have MORE fun when you are sober than under the influence of anything. And you appear less stupid to those around you at that time too. Ever been around a drunk who was sloshed when you were sober? Same deal with ANY other drug.
  • Jul 29, 2017, 08:16 AM
    While I think there is an educational value for recreational users in such an experiment, you learn how your dealer is ripping you off, but I am dubious how many minds it will make change their dope habits. It could be the opposite, if it won't kill you they will use it anyway. We already know for fact too much of anything WILL kill you, and some will do just that.

    I am also very dubious about the cops allowing this experiment. No doubt they are taking notes, AND names for future use outside of the "ALLOWED" experiment. Right or wrong, dope is ILLEGAL, and those who use it are taking a penitentiary chance, as well as risking their own health and safety as well as that of others.

    I know, the alcohol commercials say drink responsibly, but we all know bad stuff happens! This is no different.
  • Jul 29, 2017, 05:05 PM

    Originally Posted by dronit View Post
    Once the drug has been tested you speak to a nurse and they tell you how pure/strong the drug is and can give you some medical guide lines on how much you should take as to not risk an overdose

    They won't know how any particular individual might react to a specific drug. They would only be able to provide likely scenarios, or guidelines.

    There are plenty of individuals who happen to die, or become seriously injured, after trying something just once. Not to mentioned an individual simply being impaired and potentially causing harm to someone else.

    Would there be a liability issue if something does occur, with a nurse telling someone basically that they would be okay to use, and the police just observing? I suppose they would need to have some type of waiver signed, but that would only have certain limits.

    I understand the issue of trying to prevent deaths from "bad" narcotics, it has happened in numerous countries, but I don't think determining, and allowing, clean ones is a good enough answer.

    Better than ignoring the situation altogether, but not addressing the real issues, in my opinion.

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