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  • Apr 25, 2017, 01:29 PM
    Meaning of life
    If the life I've got belongs to me why is it nobody will let me end it three times I have taken the opition to take my life three times I have been brought back to life I never asked for life so why won't people let me take it
    Why would people friend and family want to see me suffer I feel like an animal in a cage imprisoned in a life I didn't want or ask for
  • Apr 25, 2017, 01:40 PM
    Welcome to our site! How are you suffering? What's going on?
  • Apr 25, 2017, 01:44 PM
    I was abused as a child really thought out all my childhood and still to this day I don't know why so what was giving me life about as I didn't ask to be here
  • Apr 25, 2017, 02:02 PM
    You've come to a good place! Are you a young adult now? Have you been to a counselor yet?

    Tell us about yourself. Do you like to write? draw? play music? sing?
  • Apr 25, 2017, 02:40 PM
    I have a feeling that you know the answer to your question.
    People are bringing you back from near death because they want you around. Because they love you. Because they don't want to feel guilty if you do die. Because they can't stand the pain of knowing how awful you feel. Because in some places, it's against the law, or against a religion. Because because! You know all that - RIGHT???

    Tell us about your pain, your past, anything you want.
    We won't tell you how to succeed at suicide.

    I always thought suicide was higher among the young. Just looked at some charts - much higher over the age of 45. I wonder why?

    I'm 70. I wouldn't mind dying; I have several physical problems. But that's different....
  • Apr 25, 2017, 07:27 PM
    I really don't know what to say to you. I won't answer the why, because you know why. They love you, they want you around.

    As to wanting to die, I can't really answer that. My Uncle killed himself, hung himself in the basement, left a note on his 16 year old daughters bed (she was the oldest of 3) and she's the one that found him. To this day I hate him for doing that to my cousin. She hates him too. It was the most selfish thing I've ever seen one person do. I can understand wanting to die, being that depressed, that low, but doing that to his children, that's unforgivable. I will never forgive him for that.

    Right now my cousin, who's almost 50, is suicidal. He's been unemployed for over a year, and has now given up the will to live. We've all tried talking to him, urging him to seek therapy, I even found an online therapy group for him, but he's not even willing to try to feel better. I get that too, depression is a horrible thing, I've been there, but there is help, you just have to ask for it.

    So, I guess my answer is, the reason people want you to live, and try so hard, is because they want you around, and they're hoping that you try, that you start fighting for your life as hard as you're fighting for your death. I mean really, I think that life at least deserves the same amount of dedication as death does, don't you? So why not put that energy that you have to die, towards finding a way to live? Can't hurt.
  • Apr 25, 2017, 08:08 PM
    You seem to have a lot of people around you who are trying hard to help you find a way through your pain. Why don't you let them?
  • Apr 26, 2017, 07:50 AM

    Originally Posted by jae7182 View Post
    If the life I've got belongs to me why is it nobody will let me end it three times I have taken the opition to take my life three times I have been brought back to life I never asked for life so why won't people let me take it
    Why would people friend and family want to see me suffer I feel like an animal in a cage imprisoned in a life I didn't want or ask for

    Because suffering can be relieved. You didn't ask for this life but you have it. Everyone has choices: Make your life better, make it worse, or end it. You're trying to end your life, except that you could have a life without suffering, or at least the suffering you precieve. There is hope.

    Your friends and family see this hope and bright future. They don't want you to throw in the towel before seeing what life could be. They do it because they care for you and love you. They don't want you to suffer. They love you and what to see you grow past this and grow into a happy life.

    It does get better. I think you need to talk to a trained psychologist or therapist.

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