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  • Mar 6, 2017, 11:10 PM
    How to stop the throbing in your thumb after a deep cut and it has stiches
    My husband sliced open his thumb he removed about 3 inches of his thumb. He went to the dr he was able to move enough skin and stich it together. Now the numbing medicine has worn off it is throbbing horribly he has pin meds but they are not working is there anything I can do besides keeping it elevated above his heart. They gave him pain medication but it is not working

    Thank you
  • Mar 7, 2017, 03:26 AM
    What pain med, and what dose, for how long? Doctors give out small amounts of narcotics/opiates these days because of abuse and addiction. He needs to tell the doctor it hurts horribly and beg for another script.
  • Mar 7, 2017, 06:50 AM
    Can you define "removed 3 inches of his thumb". That would be an amputation. Is that what happened or a 3 inch cut?
  • Mar 8, 2017, 05:02 AM
    Unless bleeding heavily, not necessary to elevate his arm above his heart. He needs circulation to commence into the wound for healing. Pain thresshold is a factor, as I have said before and this may be your hubby has a low tolerance for pain. He may not need to take any more prescription drugs but an anti inflammatory would probably benefit him, and OTC like Advil or Aleve depending on what other meds he is on. A pharmacist can generally be very helpful in a this instanc

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