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  • Feb 28, 2017, 09:18 AM
    Two littles (2yr, 3.75yr) sharing a room. Getting each up early. Advice?
    Hi Guys,

    I have two kids, 2yr boy (ie, trouble), and a 3.75yr girl (a redhead, nuff said) that are, during to space constraints in the house, sharing a bedroom.

    Right now we're having a hard time getting them to sleep past 6am. When one is up, the other gets up. Needless to say it is affecting the calm in the house.

    Is there any suggestions or hints? We're open to almost anything.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 12:15 PM
    NOPE! 6 am is normal. You knew this would happen.
    HEY, I don't like getting up at 4 am now that I'm old, but I don't fight it.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 01:24 PM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    NOPE! 6 am is normal. You knew this would happen.
    HEY, I don't like getting up at 4 am now that I'm old, but I don't fight it.

    Before we moved them into their own rooms they were sleeping on average to 7-7:30pm...

    So for our kids it is NOT normal. One gets up and makes noise, it gets up the other one. That is the problem.

    I am up usually at 5am on workdays, so it isn't so much for me but my wife, who's already exhausted.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 01:41 PM
    I don't think 6 am is normal either. My son woke up at 4am most times. That was normal for him. Nothing is normal with youngsters, they have no clocks LOL. Crave, they do know they have been relocated; it doesn't suit them. You are going to have to live with it until they get adjusted to new surroundings.

    My son and fiancé are expecting twins in April, they know they are boys; they already have a turning three year old girl. Nothing is going to be normal for them for a very long time.

  • Feb 28, 2017, 02:28 PM
    I allowed my kids to stay up later in the evening. They then slept later in the morning. Of course, once they had to go to school in the mornings, I had to rethink my strategy.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 05:00 PM
    Is the room big enough to separate it somehow? You could build a temporary wall, that will give them some privacy, and maybe allow whoever sleeps later, to sleep in later.

    One question, are they still napping in the afternoon, and if so, for how long? What happens if you cut out the afternoon nap? Could be that cutting that nap out, will help them both sleep later.

    Also, what time do they go to bed at night?

    Can't believe they're already 2 and 3, seems like just yesterday that you were telling us about your wife's first pregnancy.

    It will get easier, I promise you. Wait until they're teens and you can't get them up before noon on weekends, and have to fight with them every weekday to get up and ready for school.

    One thing my husband and I did on weekends when we really wanted to sleep in, we'd bring the kids into our room, let them sit on the bed between us, and we'd play their favorite Disney movie over and over and over and over, let's just say that to this day I can recite Jungle book from beginning to end, with props and motions.
  • Mar 1, 2017, 09:18 AM
    They go to bed around 7:30, tried 8pm last night. The little one naps about 11:30-2:30, The big one doesn't nap any more except on weekends (who doesn't nap on weekends?). We haven't tried cutting out afternoon naps.

    They slept a little longer this morning, I think we need to erect a barrier of some sort, get a white noise machine. Our office is above their room, so I Am afraid me getting ready in the morning is waking them up.

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