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  • Feb 13, 2017, 07:24 AM
    Writing My Book
    I am a HUGE fan of Harry Potter and long to write a book as amazing as the HP series (I know, a long shot,) and I want my book to have good characters, (a main character,) and friends, all with distinct personalities. I really want to add some form of magic and fantasy, but I'm finding it difficult to do that without ripping of Harry Potter (e.g: Wands, Magic, Voldemort, etc.). I was thinking maybe Staff s and Runestones, but I fell like THAT is ripping of Lord of The Rings! 😭 I want to make a book that hits all the right spots- Just like Harry Potter. I even had ideas for mystical creatures like Sentient Trees called Arbor s (Latin for "Tree") , but I feel like it s Ripping of so many different things. If anyone can give me any ideas about Characters, plots and mythical creatures it would be AMAZING. (And if my book somehow becomes published you WILL 100% BE CREDITED IN THE acknowledgement - I PROMISE! Thanks so much.
  • Feb 13, 2017, 09:59 AM
    No matter your setting and characters, it's been done. There's nothing new under the sun. The animal world? It's been done. The spirit world? It's been done. Creatures and a society underground? It's been done. Outer space or on another planet? It's been done.

    Maybe write a time-travel adventure whereby your society changes, the storyline/conflict changes, and the characters change bodies depending on which time period they're in.
  • Feb 13, 2017, 08:30 PM
    Sorry, but getting credit for giving you a winning idea for a book, isn't anything anyone would do. If they have a winning idea for a book they'll just write it themselves, not have to give credit to anyone, and best of all, get paid for it instead of having a paragraph in the front of the book saying "to my inspiration Alty, thank you for giving me the idea for this book, you should have written it yourself, but ha, I did, and now I get all the money and recognition. But hey, I gave you 100% credit for the idea, and that's all you'll get".

    In other words, come up with your own characters and story line. Stop looking at other books. It's great to get inspiration, but if all you can do is read a story and want to copy it and change a few names to suit you, then you're not a writer, you're a plagiarizer.

    I disagree with Wondergirl, it's not all been done. There are tons of things that haven't been tapped yet, but I'd be a fool to tell you my ideas so you can become a famous author when I also have that dream. Do you get that?

    If your dream is to become a famous writer, start writing, find your own style, find your own story, find your own characters. No one that has a worthy idea is going to give it away to someone else. Anyone that has a worthy idea, anyone that has an idea that can reach the caliber of JK Rowling, isn't going to give that idea away to anyone.

    So yeah, stop asking others and figure it out yourself, then give yourself the credit and reap the rewards. No one else is going to do that for you.
  • Feb 13, 2017, 09:14 PM

    Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    I disagree with Wondergirl, it's not all been done. There are tons of things that haven't been tapped yet,

    The "Basic" Plots in Literature

    Frequently Asked Reference Questions
  • Feb 13, 2017, 10:34 PM
    Nice links WG. So you're saying every idea for a new book or movie has already been done?

    Those links don't show what you're claiming, at least not in the 2 second glance I deigned to give them. Why only 2 seconds? If they're meant to back up your theory that every new idea has already been done, that there are no new ideas left, then I know it's bull, and I don't want to waste my time reading bull.

    I agree that if you want to follow the Harry Potter series and base a book on that, then it's already been done to death, as has vampires and werewolves. But have all the good ideas been done already? Hell no, not by a long shot, otherwise there would be no reason to ever read another book again.
  • Feb 14, 2017, 01:38 PM
    HP had indeed all been done. Rowling borrowed from legends and mythology, and gave it a new look. We can argue this topic til the cows come home.

    If you have to ask for ideas, you aren't cut out for writing. They have to come from within. Trite but true.

    Instead of jumping into the deep end, ask for suggestions on HOW to write, how to think and imagine, and how to organize ideas.
    Have you read Rowling's accounts of her path to success?
    Have you written a short story? Many writers claim that is much harder than a big fat novel, but an excellent exercise.

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