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  • Oct 15, 2016, 08:46 PM
    Is it a good business to lease your horse out for wedding photos
    Is it a good business to lease your horse out for wedding photos ?

    Would you be interested in wedding photos with a horse?
    How would I write the ad for that?

    Would you like truly unique wedding photos? You and groom, Bridesmaids and
    Attendants interacting and posing with a beautiful Paint horse.
  • Oct 16, 2016, 02:04 AM
    Why would they want a horse in their wedding photos unless they had a theme for that ? Put the ad any way you want but I think it is a silly way to make money.
  • Oct 16, 2016, 02:57 AM
    I wouldn't say it's a good business, because I don't see many couples wanting to include a horse in wedding photos. More likely is using an old fashioned horse drawn carriage.

    But there might be some couples who like the idea. What I would do is contact wedding planners and catering halls in your area and let them know of the availability.
  • Oct 16, 2016, 04:07 AM
    The carriage is a good idea, I think. A 'surrey with the fringe on top' from the Oklahoma musical might be especially appealing.

    Ordinarily, I would be inclined to say that the only people who are so enamored of horses that they want them in their wedding photos already have one, painted or not.

    Keep in mind that this is a very local thing. Advertising costs need to be minimal and local (and seasonal, depending on where you live) or you will lose money.
    If you do invest in a carriage, you can expand the rentals to all sorts of situations and events.
  • Oct 16, 2016, 06:19 PM
    With what a horse costs to keep... I can't see how you could make even a fraction of that back. And honestly I don't know anyone who would want a horse in their wedding photos... sure there might be someone, but I'd guess there are very few. And even then its not going to be worth paying much for. As was mentioned... with the right carriage that might expand it a bit but only in the right areas, and those are very expensive. I really can't see how this would be a money maker.
  • Oct 16, 2016, 06:23 PM
    There may be a small (very small) percent of people that would like a horse in their wedding pictures. Usually those people are the ones have a country themed wedding. Also, usually they're having a country themed wedding because they're from the country, live in the country, and because of that, if they wanted pictures with a horse, they probably have horses of their own that they'd rather have in the pictures.

    I've been to many many weddings. Never ever have I seen a horse in the pictures. One couple did have a horse drawn carriage though, but if you wanted to get into that you'd need two horses and the carriage. It would cost you way more than you'll ever get back by booking wedding gigs.

    I really don't think this is a good idea.

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