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  • Dec 16, 2015, 02:47 PM
    Can j get anti depressants at 14 without my parents knowing?
    I am 14 and living in the uk, I'm severely depressed and a friend of mine is on and has suggested anti depressants. I tried talking to my parents and they said I was being stupid, even though they know I have been having selfharm issues and panic attacks so I want to get them without my parents finding out. Is that possible ? Thanks
  • Dec 16, 2015, 02:53 PM
    Not a chance. Dangerous for a teen anyway, often having a paradoxical effect. You do need to see a doctor. There is no point in getting an anti-depressant without talk therapy anyway. Can you get the school nurse to talk to your parents?

    Meanwhile, can you describe how your depression looks and acts from day to day, behavior, not thoughts?
    It is pretty common for teens to have various degrees of angst, disaffection, anxiety, depression, moodiness, as they adjust to the years between childhood and adulthood. Everything seems so important and so meaningful and so meaningless... the slightest wrong word from someone can send you into a tailspin, or how you look, or how you get along with parents... on and on.
    It would help if we could hear what a day is like for you. Don't want you jumping on the 'friend bandwagon' just because she takes drugs.
  • Dec 16, 2015, 10:33 PM
    No you can not, and no you should not. You have no idea what you need, and do not even know if this type of medication is correct for you.

    If you are doing self harm, you need to see a doctor, talk to a teacher or counselor at your school and they may be able to get you refereed for medical attention
  • Dec 17, 2015, 08:22 AM
    If you have issues then your parents should see a doctor or counsellor to help you with those issues. Have they? If not get a teacher,relative or another trusted adult to help you talk to them about this.

    Self diagnosis and drugs is a dangerous thing for adults to do, and even more dangerous for a teen ager. Never take drugs of any kind that are prescribed for someone else... NEVER! So NO, no way can you, or should you, take any drug that your parents AND doctor don't know you are using.

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