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  • Nov 28, 2015, 09:29 AM
    Gums hurt week after wisdom teeth extraction
    It's Saturday and I got my wisdom teeth out last Thursday so it's been a week and 2 days. I thought things were starting to get back to normal up until yesterday. My gums started to sting. It is on the inside part of my teeth not the outside. It is also both sides on the bottom. It feels like it's in between my gums and my teeth (not the gums between each of the teeth but the area where the actual gum meets the tooth). I feel the stinging anytime I swallow or smile, so when my mouth muscles move a particular way. I haven't tried pain medication yet but I feel that it won't stop the stinging. I am not sure what is causing it but I am worried infection. I have been swishing with salt water as the dentist recommended. And I haven't been eating much to infect the area because I can still barely open my mouth, and I can't bring myself to chew normally yet as it hurts and I feel I will get stuff in the extraction wounds. Anyway if anyone has any idea what it is, some information would be helpful. Their office is closed on weekends so I can't call.
  • Nov 28, 2015, 10:50 AM
    Please shine a flashlight in your mouth while looking in a mirror and tell us what you see.
    The good news is that you haven't needed pain medication all week, when most of us would be screaming without it.
    So I suspect that you are healing OK.
    But beet red gums or swelling is a sign of infection. Were you given antibiotics to take starting the first day?
  • Nov 28, 2015, 11:19 AM
    "I haven't tried pain medication yet but I feel that it won't stop the stinging." Um, now's a good time to take that pain medication (correctly). The results might surprise you.
  • Nov 29, 2015, 07:23 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Please shine a flashlight in your mouth while looking in a mirror and tell us what you see.
    The good news is that you haven't needed pain medication all week, when most of us would be screaming without it.
    So I suspect that you are healing OK.
    But beet red gums or swelling is a sign of infection. Were you given antibiotics to take starting the first day?

    I took some pain medication at first and the prescribed antibiotics, I looked in the mirror and saw nothing and even got my mom to take a look and she saw nothing that looked out of the ordinary.

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