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  • Oct 18, 2015, 07:12 PM
    How do I make big money fast as a kid?
    My question is, how do I make big money fast if I'm still just a kid? I have been in love with horses forever. So today I started thinking and I've decided I would like to own my very own. I've taken lessons. I know how to walk, canter, and jump two or three feet. My mom said that if I can raise the money myself, I can purchase one. I live in the suburbs so I would have to house him in someone else's stables. They would take care of food, vet, and housing of course. I also need to save to buy the horse. I understand the big commitment, but I have been around horses all my life and I want to have a friend of my own. I would go and ride him/her everyday, make sure they get brushed, cleaned, fit for shoes, feed, water, clean stalls, and exercise. I know someone with a horse for sale and someone who houses so I might get a discount? It doesn't matter. I just need to make big money... and fast.

    Any ideas?
  • Oct 18, 2015, 07:38 PM
    In 2008, vets and farriers cost a minimum of $500 a year. Hay and oats cost $600+ per year. Stabling costs were $6,000 a year. Tack will cost $???. And that was almost eight years ago. Plus, you need to have savings for emergencies. Let's figure those total $10,000 a year. Then there's the cost of the horse itself. $500? $5,000?

    Be sure you do all the math and talk with long-time horse owners first before you commit to this.

    There's no way a kid can make that kind of money fast.
  • Oct 18, 2015, 08:24 PM
    Most adults with good jobs that want a horse can't afford one. Plus they live over 20 years so that is a MAJOR amount of money for anyone. Wondergirl did a great job of showing just some of the expenses.
  • Oct 19, 2015, 04:48 AM
    It seems that your mother has no idea what horses cost to maintain.
    Here's what I would do, at 13: offer to muck stalls in exchange for more lessons and time riding on your own. Finding early morning help isn't easy, so it's a perfect job for teens, but it doesn't pay much. There isn't ANY way to make a lot of money at 13.
    Keep in mind all your mother's problems and that she might need to go into rehab. This will have an effect on your future short term, so you don't want to be saddled (pun intended) with monthly debt of a very expensive pet.

    As for buying a horse, that can be easy, if the horse is old. In fact where I live, many younger horses were abandoned during the 2008 recession, by New York city people, at the upstate farms where the horses were being kept.
  • Oct 19, 2015, 05:56 AM
    Even adults have problems figuring out how to make a lot of money fast, so it's a lot harder for a kid. Until you do find something though, I like Joys idea that trading chores at this horse farm to be around the animals you love is a great idea for NOW.
  • Oct 19, 2015, 08:01 PM
    Uh. Thanks. But I was really just asking about the money. I found a place that is 100 per month and they cover food and vet. I got a discount for knowing them. I'm almost 15 so I can get a job... I've got a friend selling a horse for 500. I think​ I've got it covered. But thanks for the concern. (-:

    Thanks? But that wasn't really my question... I know a lot about horses and I realize now that I shouldn't have put that in my question... Because that is all people are commenting on...
  • Oct 19, 2015, 08:01 PM
    You will find out soon its going to cost a LOT more than that. One thing EVERYONE under 25 does reliably... is underestimate what things are really going to cost.
  • Oct 19, 2015, 08:03 PM
    I know all about what I have to do. And so does my mother. I have a lot saved up, and unless you're a trained specialist or horse expert, I'd rather somebody just answer the question instead of questioning my cause...
  • Oct 19, 2015, 08:07 PM
    I grew up around horses. $100 a month for food and vet AND stabling!!!! sounds very suspicious. This is a wonderful animal we're talking about. Be sure you know what you're doing and don't let the thrill of the moment put that animal in jeopardy.
  • Oct 19, 2015, 08:18 PM
    I know a lot more about horses and what it costs than a 15 year old does that's never had one. My parents had them, relatives had them, Friends have had them, girlfriends have had them. A friend of mine Breeds and raises them (something INCREDIBLY expensive, 20 horses cost them about $100,000 a month, but then her husband has a job paying $2.5 Million a year so they can afford it), none of them had to pay someone else to put them on their property because they all had farms. I've only been around them to some degree since I was ten... 44 years ago. I also know that that $100 a month thing isn't going to last very long. Vets don't work free, and they do charge a sizable amount. And ANY animal you have be it a Gerbil or a horse... deserves to get the help it needs when its sick from its owner. The bigger the animal the bigger that responsibility is.

    And incidentally "a lot" to a teenager, Unless you are Donald Trumps kid... really isn't much in the real world. It all relative and you will understand that yourself a few years after you become an adult and have to work to support yourself and pay all your own bills. Something that will be significantly more difficult when you have the expenses of a horse.

    That's not being mean. Its just being realistic. And it comes from life experience. Something you will have eventually as well.

    Emergencies happen... unexpected expenses happen, far more often than you imagine. And when you have the responsibility of ANY animal... their welfare comes before things you want because it's the responsibility you took on. Because they can't care for themselves.
  • Oct 19, 2015, 09:12 PM
    On October 13, 2015, you were 13. How did you suddenly become "almost 15?"


    Originally Posted by thatkidscat View Post
    Uh. Thanks. But I was really just asking about the money. I found a place that is 100 per month and they cover food and vet. I got a discount for knowing them. I'm almost 15 so I can get a job... I've got a friend selling a horse for 500. I think​ I've got it covered. But thanks for the concern. (-:

    Thanks? But that wasn't really my question... I know a lot about horses and I realize now that I shouldn't have put that in my question... Because that is all people are commenting on...

    13 in your other thread a few days ago, or "almost 15" now?
  • Oct 19, 2015, 11:05 PM
    If you were to go ride her and take care of her every day, how are you going to make money? You would be working everyday, not riding a horse.

    Next even if over 18, there is no fast way to make money, you get a job and work. Have you asked about a job working at the stables.
  • Oct 20, 2015, 08:28 AM

    Originally Posted by thatkidscat View Post
    I know all about what I have to do. And so does my mother. I have a lot saved up, and unless you're a trained specialist or horse expert, I'd rather somebody just answer the question instead of questioning my cause...

    Will this horse be standing bored in its small stall 24/7 until you show up for a ride? Or will this horse have the use of a large meadow and be with other horses? Will you be making sure the hay isn't moldy? Who will muck out the stall at least daily and wash the manure off your horse's legs and hooves? Do you know how to saddle a horse and which bit is the kindest? The horse will need its hooves trimmed and possibly need reshoeing, so does a farrier watch out for these things? What about during the winter? Depending on where you live, those could be terrible months for both you and this horse.

    Remember, you can't just put this horse on a shelf while you are in school and working (at 13???) to pay for stuff. And then there are your family's problems that are affecting your life. This horse will not be your "friend" who will improve your life. A horse is not a stuffed animal you can curl up with. Please please please think about this.
  • Oct 20, 2015, 09:06 AM
    How do I make big money fast as a kid?

    You CAN'T.
  • Oct 20, 2015, 10:29 AM
    Thanks. Finally someone isn't directly putting down my ides. It's my uncle's place. He is letting me do it for 100. His wife is a vet and I am mucking stables as well

    I really would like to ask people to stop commenting on the horse. I have it all figured out. My uncle will house him. He is three miles away from us. I go there every day and I am homeschooled. It's really irritating when I ask a question and I get a bunch of answers that are just criticising me and it's not really helpful...
  • Oct 20, 2015, 10:51 AM
    All right. Listen. I do not need people telling me all this. It is my uncle's farm and his wife is a vet. I am NOT stupid and I am not going to just leave him without any help or exercise. He will live on my uncle's farm and he has a lot of horses and he will use him for lessons. I think it is amazing how I put up a question and everyone has to be the wiser. It really stinks that I have 15 answers and not a single person actually gave me an idea. I wish I could take this question down because people are telling me things that I already know and acting like I am just being a brat and saying "I want a horse. I'm gonna get one" I'm not stupid. I spend every day at my uncle's farm he has taught me a lot and I live two miles away from him. I would very much appreciate if people would just answer the question and not just tell me what I already know. I think it is really stupid to bring up my problems and tell me that I can't take care of something because of it. I am very capable of doing this I really don't want to see another comment about it.

    Gee. That was helpful...

    My sister and I share this account. She wrote the first entry and I wrote this one. Is that all you need?

    Great. Thanks so much for bringing my mother up. Even though I didn't ask anything about her. It hurts a little when random people from the internet suddenly think they know more about my life than me. I am 14 and my sister is 13.
  • Oct 20, 2015, 10:53 AM
    Sorry, site rules here prohibit a poster from dictating who can answer or how.

    You are the one being critical here... the rest of us have what you don't yet. Actual real life experience.

    Being you lack that and will for a lot more years... time you get used to it because that's the way of the world.

    There will ALWAYS be somebody that actually does know more about something than you think you do... sometimes a LOT more.

    And something that is apparent... that you will probably learn in time. Is they more you learn about something... the more you understand how little you did actually know in the beginning despite what you thought then.

    Many teens think they know far more than they do because they have a little knowledge about it... but they lack the experience to understand yet just how little they do know or how much more there is to learn (the answer is always a LOT). Now that you are probably bouncing off the walls angry... the rest of your life is a learning experience... as you never stop learning. So figure at 13.. you know X... by 23 you know more, by 33 even more... by 43 yet even more etc, etc.

    Most teens are in for a very rude awakening when they graduate school... get their first real job and find out how little they do know.

    Nobody has been mean to you... we are trying to get you to see the reality of this.. and not the dream that you see. Dreams are almost never how you imagined them to be if and when they ever become real.
  • Oct 20, 2015, 11:01 AM
    Yeah. Well thanks. I am not 'dreaming' I am mad' fine whatever no one was mean to me? Fine but I didn't feel that welcomed when they brought up my mother's problems. You know what my question wasn't answered. I am not using this site anymore. I understand everything that is going on with the horse my uncle is helping me with it when I apparently don't know anything about it. I spend almost every day with him at his place. I am irritated that no one has even answered my question. Bye
  • Oct 20, 2015, 11:12 AM
    Your uncle's farm is three miles away ... then it was two miles away. And suddenly there's an uncle with a farm? And his wife is a vet? Why didn't you mention this in your first post? And you muck out stables now and go there every day? You do realize how much your story has changed throughout this thread, don't you?

    There is NO WAY someone your age can make enough money to cover the expenses of owning a horse.
  • Oct 20, 2015, 11:16 AM
    You know what? I'm going to have to apologize for nothing. Like I do in my own life every day. So sorry everyone. I would like no more comments if that is acceptable because I cannot take questions down. I just became upset when you brought my mother into the question. My sister might think it is okay to let our family problems leak out to other people but I don't think so. I am mad she put that up there and I am just very upset.

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