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  • Oct 2, 2015, 08:51 PM
    Raccoon roadkill
    So, I was driving with my family today (on a country road by a big river) we noticed a TON of raccoon roadkill. We all agree that we have never seen so many dead raccoon on the side of the road and I was wondering if anyone has an explanation. The only thing I found on the internet was a similar post where it was suggested that it could be mating season and for that reason the raccoon were out in numbers. But I looked up their mating season and saw that it is jan-june. Would anyone here have an answer, theory or was this just a bad day to be a raccon?
  • Oct 2, 2015, 09:14 PM
    Maybe an unusually large number of Rabies infected raccoons.. could be they had a bumper couple years breeding and there are just more than usual in that area leading to more to be run over. They are usually nocturnal and why they get hit so easily? Hard to see them until they face the lights then its too late.
  • Oct 3, 2015, 02:26 AM
    Something poisonous in their usual food source.
    Man made disturbance in their habitat drove them out.
    Those are my 2 guesses. You don't say where this was. Call the state DEP.
  • Oct 3, 2015, 05:18 AM
    This was driving from Missouri to Grafton Illinois by the Mississippi (close to where the Missouri and Mississippi rivers meet). I will definitely make that call I didn't think of that! Good idea.

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