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  • Apr 8, 2015, 09:36 AM
    Monobenzone 20%: My journey
    Hi everyone

    I started using 20% Monobenzone at the end of January. I don't have vitiligo and my ultimate goal is to depigment. I have Fitz 3 skin (Italian/Spanish) colour. I know that my monobenzone is of high quality as I have a prescription for it and have it compounded by a reputable pharmacy in the UK.

    I've been using the cream for over two months now (I added Retin A to my regimen last month) and have achieved no lightening at all so far. I'm now much darker than my initial (natural) colour. My nipples and private area have darkened the most and the rest of my body looks tanned. People in my circle constantly ask me if I've been to the beach for tanning.

    I read in some places that initial darkening is good and that your body is getting rid of your melanocytes by depositing them to the surface. But shouldn't I start lightening by now? I know a person who suffered from vitiligo and she said she depigmented in 4 months. I know it will be much more difficult in my case but am I fighting a losing battle?

    People that have used this medicine please could you shed some light on this?
  • Apr 9, 2015, 02:44 AM
    You are lucky of course that you do not have serious spotting (areas of skin that do not change at same rate)

    If you live in an area where this is a prescription medication, and are buying it off the internet, (illegally of course) often the products do not contain constant quality or levels of chemicals advertised.

    The results vary by person, and often a test area of skin would or should be done first to determine reaction. And honestly should not be done without treatment from a doctor who can properly control usage and results.
  • Apr 9, 2015, 03:45 AM
    Thank you, Fr_Chuck. But you haven't actually answered my question.
  • Apr 9, 2015, 07:08 AM
    The clinician who prescribed this to you would be the best qualified to answer your question, or even the pharmacists who makes it up for you. The have the much needed advantage of actually seeing you which is a crucial difference between opinion, and actual process.

    Anyone can relate a story or opinion but how it affects you and your unique situation is a different story altogether. As Fr. Chuck said the key is proper monitoring to access and changes that need the right adjustments. Often acting without that guidance, out of self imposed fear, and concerns has there own detrimental effects, and outcomes.

    I get that you want reassurance, but it should come from a clinician who can base it on facts rather than feelings fueled by opinion, or frustration and fear as I suspect is the case here. What works for one may not be the proper solution for another, because humans are unique. I am sure as directed was the instruction of your prescriber, and reporting any thing you are concerned with is your responsibility.

    I hope you do so now before you listen to anymore opinions.

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