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  • Nov 23, 2014, 02:59 PM
    Q for the guys
    Hey, so just wondering on a random poll, what are your opinions on tattoo's on girls? Do's? Dont's?
  • Nov 23, 2014, 06:53 PM
    Can't wait to see all those sleeves when they are 80. AUGH!
  • Nov 23, 2014, 07:03 PM
    To each their own. I have a tattoo, and plan to get another. I am glad that I waited before getting one. I know too many young people that jumped in to getting a tat and now regret it.

    Tattoo removal is very expensive, and even the best laser removal, doesn't remove it completely.

    At 15 I'd think about it for at least another 10 years.
  • Nov 23, 2014, 07:17 PM
    I'm not much for tats on men or women. I like the natural body.

    With that said, if you ever plan on getting a tat, it should be in a place that is easily covered as many good careers can be lost to people with visible tattoos.
  • Nov 23, 2014, 07:55 PM
    Okay, for one. DO NOT get a tattoo on you're stomach if you plan on getting pregnant or having a baby because they will get stretched out and never look the same.
    The best tattoos to get is somewhere you can cover it up at any time. because some people will not hire you because tattoos don't look professional.
    I honestly think on the outer side of the thigh's with roses and ribbons are very nice and on the side of you're ribs with vines or flowers or anything thing of you're pick. you just need to make sure it's something that you can live with for the rest of you're life and make sure it means something to you because i'll tell you what it'll get kinda old to you. trust me i have stars on my foot.. they got old.. I have a heart with a crown on my stomach.. and a rose on my shoulder.. and they don't really have any meaning and their not professional they got old real quick. some times i forget i even have them because their not all that.
  • Nov 23, 2014, 11:54 PM
    A rose on the butt is cute, ( for that that see it)
    A large skull on your entire shoulder, showing up on the neck can hurt jobs

    Also depends on the culture, here in China, a girl with one, is almost always considered a "bad' girl.

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