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  • Nov 5, 2014, 09:09 PM
    I found a mound of dirt with a dead bird on my porch Help!
    I had a person who was stalking me and still is. They count or chant in like 3's. I was sitting in church and heard the bangs on the tiny walls of this tiny church and then in the evening, I saw black hooded people during a storm chanting around my house. In disbelief and thought I was dreaming, because it was so weird, I just left it in the Lords hands and plead the blood. Later, I found blood splatters on my car, my cars tires slit, a mound of dirt with a dead bird on top and a rather large locust about the size of a snow pea, but a little bigger with legs. Before I knew it, I cannot think sometimes and I get were I cannot even sleep. I have been levitated out of my bed and then thrown down. Later during that time, I was sleeping and was awoken by some demonic chatter, then I felt a hand grip my jaw, thrush it back and forth and then side ways. I immediately found my mouth filled with liquid. I got up and flipped the light on and found that I had a mouth full of blood. The following day, I was sitting in a dentists chair getting all four molars crowned. The only thing I remember is that a woman was stalking me, then I remembered the chanting in the house. I have never done any harm to my knowledge to cause someone to be so hatred toward me. I asked what I should do and my pastor he laughed. He thought I was ridiculous and told me to keep reading the bible and pleading the blood. Turns out that a woman from work was going into the woman's bathroom after me. I was menstrating and used the same bathroom. I left my womanly item in the sanitary box, and noticed that it was gone each time I went to take care of my business. I believe that this woman used my blood and placed a hex or something on me. I cannot bind this thing nor plead the blood or break any curse to get rid of her or this majic she has cursed me with. Someone that used to be a witch said she put a mirror as well, which would make sense. I have a hard time praying and it feels like everything I pray for seems to make things worse. I NEED HELP! The police think I need to hire someone. My pastor thinks I am crazy and asked me to leave.
  • Nov 5, 2014, 09:19 PM
    Has anyone else seen any of this, such as the blood on your car or the slit tires? Are you in the U.S.?
  • Nov 5, 2014, 09:40 PM
    Yes. I even took pictures and showed the police - nothing was done. Nothing. I also had issues with my breaks being cut or slightly cut off a vehicle from work. I should also mention that the vehicles axle popped off while I was going down hill, losing full control of steering, because it detached the axle from the steering column. Another incident from my place of employment was when I got into the vehicle and I found that my pedal was sticking and I went to look down and saw a bunch of thick putty the color of the floorboard about an inch almost dried sticking to the accelerator pedal. I was in disbelief. I asked if anyone could explain why this blob of putty was under my accelerator. One of the people shrugged their shoulders and did nothing about it. I quite immediately. I just don't understand why they would target me.
  • Nov 5, 2014, 09:46 PM
    I should tell you that they are stalking me and following me around. These same people I believe may be using me for something. May I mention that they stole my car and returned it back in the early parts of the morning. In April, my storage unit was completely gone, they broke into it and took my whole life. Sometime around that time, I had a bunch of credit cards opened and creditors contacting, and right before that I had a few hundred dollars taken out of my bank account. I am assuming this person or group of people are the same.
  • Nov 5, 2014, 10:06 PM
    In the US? or which country?
  • Nov 6, 2014, 06:02 AM
    These people, for some reason are doing real things. Not magic, when you call the police do not mention demons and magic spells, just tell them that you are being stalked and harassed by a group of people.

    You have trespass, criminal damage to proper and a few other crimes

    They make you believe in magic, so fears and concerns start to play tricks on people.

    They will often put speakers into houses, or talk outside of windows, to confuse you.

    They are doing this to frighten you.

    Magic and even can not have any power over a Christian, just rebuke them, and go on your way
  • Nov 6, 2014, 10:20 AM
    "I cannot bind this thing nor plead the blood or break any curse to get rid of her or this majic she has cursed me with. Someone that used to be a witch said she put a mirror as well, which would make sense" .I believe you need a professional person to talk this over. Your comments are a bit strange and suggest delusion.
  • Nov 20, 2014, 09:49 AM
    "Dulusion"!! You are way out of line sir!! This crap is real and the physical evidence was there. If I didn't know better, you might be one of those freaks assigned to make me miserable or being used by the devil himself. GET BEHIND ME SATAN IN YA's name. You think that cutting break fluid lines, dismantling vehicles and putting Spackle underneath the excellerator pedal, then placing dead physical birds on mounds and blood splatters on my car isn't real?? You know what scripture says "my people parish for lack of knowledge". You probably would take the mark of the beast too and tell every person who believes in scripture that it rubbish wouldn't you? PS I did speak to several people, including a very well known person and said this crap was real and binding and losing and reading the bible and pleading the blood will help, but takes a lot of prayer... some say it can take a long very long time. Including a psychiatrist said that this crap is real and we prayed and it went away, but the demonic crap has gone on so long, that this thing has a way of having legal grounds and I cannot find it and keeps coming back after we bind it away. I am asking for anyone that has any idea what type of object would give legal grounds to someone or demonic entity. I do not use witchcraft and I have given a lot of advice. I am reaching out so that maybe a former witch that has converted to Christianity can give me a better understanding. I was reading in Genesis that Laban's daughter Rebecca stole her father's idols, but I have never stolen anything, so that isn't it. There are other areas of the bible that say that when there is something that is in the camp, that gives the enemy power to overcome you. I have done a lot of digging, praying and searching. I just want to know if there is anything I have missed.
  • Nov 20, 2014, 10:27 AM
    You are letting superstitions mix with reality. Try to act more like a detective. Start with WHO wants to hurt you, get you fired or to quit, run you out of your house, and WHY?
  • Nov 20, 2014, 10:43 AM
    joypulv is correct. Someone is out to irritate/annoy/upset you and, even worse, hurt you. Yes, be a detective. Have you had a recent falling out or heated argument with someone, especially someone who knows about your superstitions?
  • Nov 20, 2014, 06:41 PM
    There is no "magic" and nothing supernational here.

    Break lines, I have had mine break and car wreck, it was from a faulty line.

    I had a drug gang, destroy and try to terrorize me before. Along with attempts to kill me,

    Your suggesting that someone, who things you are delusional is part of it, and part of Satan, is now, where I am seriously concerned, that does show a serious paranoid behavior. Of course, almost no one believes in magic or spells, so anyone that does, will be delusional to them.

    Also, your writing, style is either that of someone with a lower education or the rambling also suggests a issue with knowing the differerce between reality and myth.

    Satan and evil exists, but again, it can not do anything to a Christian, nothing at all, so, those fears of yours are unrealistic, Once you live in fear, you allow it to affect you.
  • Nov 21, 2014, 05:35 AM
    Strange situation. Pray for sure, but leave the binding and loosing to those who know what they are talking about. Bible verses aren't mystical spells that can be used in every situation. There's context. You can't plead the Blood unless you are already covered by it.

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