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  • Oct 18, 2014, 08:17 AM
    chris968 balanc
    Moving forward
    I was convicted of two counts of felony roberry w/ firearm in 2011, I had a lot of tme to think and I believe the best step to move on would be to continue my education but I don't have any idea what the best direction of career choice would be for me. I understand tha becase of my past decisions, things are not going to be in my favor , but I'm not the same person I was 3 years ago, what are my best options?
  • Oct 18, 2014, 08:36 AM
    Many fields will be excluded, especially any requiring a license, such as medical fields and work around children, security, banking... it isn't going to be easy. Even truck driving is probably out (and you want to avoid the shady ones who hire you just to use you for illegal transport).

    I would look into the building trades - electric, plumbing, HVAC, solar, masonry, carpentry. Some have long apprenticeships but the pay is great after several years; others are a short course with medium pay.
    Another is computer/phone repair, maybe a one year course.
    Culinary skills are in demand. (Beware, the hours in restaurants are long and hard and I hear that too many get into coke to stay awake.)
    Try The Education Connection, which has a website.

    Some felons are good at communicating and thinking things through, and do well working in half way houses and other rehab programs for people in same or similar situations. Low pay but satisfying for many.

    Ultimately, of course, even in fields likely to hire, it's up to an individual employer to hire or not based on your record, and that is part chance and part your skill at presenting yourself.

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