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  • Aug 31, 2014, 03:02 AM
    Need Help
    Hi everyone,

    I'm a newbie when it comes to skin lighting. Hope I can find some help here. I've used various products and with little success. Monobenzone, menoquil, hydroquinone Ect. Maybe my methods are wrong. Maybe my products are fake!

    Hope that you all can give me some insight.

    Thank you
  • Sep 12, 2014, 06:03 AM
    Hi,hope doing good.Can you please tell me where you bought your Mequinol from?
    I am very surprised to see that Monobenzone didn't work for you.
    I used MOno about 2 years ago and it started working right after 1 month.I only used it on a small area on my leg.I was just curious to see if it will whiten me without patches or not. Anyway,the seller lied to my by saying that monobenzone won't give me white spots or patches.She got many users who have normal skin and using it for skin whitening without any issues.
    Anyway,please reply me because Iam in the same boat as you are and searching something for safe for depigemnting my skin.
  • Sep 12, 2014, 06:22 AM
    What you are seeing is about normal, most products do not work, a lot of the hype even on blogs is sellers, using various user ID, to make products sound great.

    When it does work, use spotting is very common.

    Think of it this way, you are buying a product, that in many places is illegal, or requires a doctors prescription. So when you order it online, and it is normally shipped from another country, why should they worry about quality and they are already breaking the law, so, shipping bad products is the less of their worries.

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