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  • Apr 29, 2014, 06:32 AM
    House lights up all around with a electrical charge and hum
    I live in east TN. And last night we had storms that blew threw, their were some lightening but nothing major. At 4:30 this morning I was awaken by a strange deep hum that sounded like I was standing under high tension power lines, but the sound was pulsing and lasted for about a minute or so. The sound was also accompanied by a greenish yellow glow that surrounded the house. This woke my whole family up as we stood in the living room trying to figure this out, the power flickered, went out for a few seconds, and came back on, as if nothing was wrong. There is no sign of transformer damage, first thought was lightening struck the house, but no crack of lightening or damage was done. This was really weird and I have absolutely no idea what happened.
  • Apr 29, 2014, 09:07 AM
    This really should be under Electrical heading. Sounds like a transformer noise or ionization of the higher voltge lines from water vapor, fog etc.. Maybe the local utility can help.

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