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  • Nov 26, 2013, 07:17 PM
    Who should contribute to a stagette
    Hey so my girlfriend and I are planning a stagette for our other friend. We are planning on booking a limo which will be around 250$ and my idea was to ask all guests who wanted to join to chip in 30$ to pay for the limo and the rest of the money could go towards party favor, prizes, or a nice gift for the bride. My girlfriend who is helping me plan thinks this is rude and we should not ask our guests for more money than necessary. The thing is, I thought that stagettes are more of a group contribution, and the both of us are in university which makes things difficult. After she says no to my idea she continues to complain that the stagette is going to cost her too much money.. I'M SO FRUSTRATED... any advice??
  • Nov 26, 2013, 07:22 PM
    I've never heard of this "stagette" thing.* Book a limo? to go where?

    *a bachelorette party?
  • Nov 26, 2013, 07:31 PM
    Just another name for a bachelorette party.
    We are booking a limo for an hour to party in, which takes us all to the bar. There will be 12 of us including the bride.
  • Nov 26, 2013, 07:45 PM

    Originally Posted by brilas View Post
    Just another name for a bachelorette party.
    We are booking a limo for an hour to party in, which takes us all to the bar. There will be 12 of us including the bride.

    So the bachelorette party will mostly be a lot of drinking in the limo and at the bar? This sounds very expensive. Isn't there a less expensive way to have a party for the bride?
  • Nov 26, 2013, 08:00 PM
    It isn't going to be, there will be drinks provided at my own house & drinks provided in the limo. So realistically its not expensive unless one decides to go overboard at the bar.

    What I am asking though, is whether you think it is rude for everyone invited (other than the bride of course) to contribute to the stagette (or bachelorette party as you are more accustomed to), in which I mean using the rest of the limo money towards either party favors/prizes or a nice gift for the bride.
  • Nov 26, 2013, 08:08 PM

    Originally Posted by brilas View Post
    What I am asking though, is whether you think it is rude for everyone invited (other than the bride of course) to contribute to the stagette (or bachelorette party as you are more accustomed to), in which I mean using the rest of the limo money towards either party favors/prizes or a nice gift for the bride.

    Sorry to sideline your question, but I needed to know what you are asking about.

    Is the limo necessary? Is going to the bar necessary? Why not stay at your house? Or, if you "have to" go there, wouldn't it be just as easy (and certainly cheaper) to go to the bar in separate cars?

    My vote is that it's rude to ask the guests to pay for a limo on top of other expenses they have for this party and will have for the wedding.
  • Nov 26, 2013, 08:19 PM
    Another thought -- you'll be drinking at your house, drinking in the limo to the bar, drinking at the bar, and then drinking on the way back to your house from the bar. Then, these young women are supposed to drive themselves home (safely?) in their own cars?
  • Nov 26, 2013, 08:33 PM
    Well, the bride has asked to go to her favorite bar.. and as we do NOT condone drinking and driving, no one will be driving to the bar. All guests have agreed the limo is a nice surprise for the bride and no one is upset with contributing 30$ except for my girlfriend co-planning the stagette... and if we do not agree on something, it won't happen.
    I think I am mostly frustrated as the extra money will help out with some of the extra costs and goodies that before myself and her would be in charge of forking out money.
    It has always been my understanding that while the host of the bridal shower looks after the costs, the stagette is more of a group contribution.
  • Nov 26, 2013, 09:52 PM
    What do the guys do to pay for their stag parties? Do all chip in?

    How will the girls get home from your house after all that drinkiong?

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