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  • Nov 22, 2013, 08:40 AM
    How many Presidents were involved in the JFK assassination?
    I would have to say 5 and possibly 7.

    JFK - Killed
    Johnson - Murderer
    Nixon - promised 1968 if he didn't run in 1964.
    Ford - Coverup
    George H W Bush - Outside the SBD building when they went in to get Oswald.

    I would also throw in Truman and Eisenhower. When they both heard about the assassination my guess is they knew it was LBJ immediately.
  • Nov 22, 2013, 08:53 AM
    [sarcasm_mode=ON] You forgot Bill Clinton - as a 16-year old he shook JFK's hand. Even then he was already plotting how the he could use the photo of that event to his advantage when he ran for pres in 1992, but needed JFK dead to make it more sympathetic. How devious!

    Five decades ago, Bill Clinton meets JFK - The Daily Nightly
  • Nov 22, 2013, 09:35 AM

    Originally Posted by ebaines View Post
    [sarcasm_mode=ON] You forgot Bill Clinton - as a 16-year old he shook JFK's hand. Even then he was already plotting how the he could use the photo of that event to his advantage when he ran for pres in 1992, but needed JFK dead to make it more sympathetic. How devious!

    Five decades ago, Bill Clinton meets JFK - The Daily Nightly

    Nicely done. My question would be why is JFK holding a towel? Did Bill have sweaty palms? Did he know one day he would be using a cigar in the Oval Office? So many questions.
  • Nov 22, 2013, 09:55 AM
    Oliver. I was 20 when JFK was assassinated. I,like many other people, know exactly what they were doing when we heard the news. I also have been following this for years and have never heard of your theory regarding how many presidents were involved

    Canadian coverage has been just as thorough over the years as US.

    My question is, is your theory the general consensus?
  • Nov 22, 2013, 10:00 AM

    Originally Posted by Oliver2011 View Post
    Nicely done. My question would be why is JFK holding a towel? Did Bill have sweaty palms? Did he know one day he would be using a cigar in the Oval Office? So many questions.

    JFK is holding a towel because, along with his other medical issues, excessive perspiration was a side effect of prescription meds for his damaged liver. You can notice in the pic, his hair is quite soaked around his collar.
  • Nov 22, 2013, 10:08 AM
    I believe JFK is holding a shirt, not a towel, probably given to him by the American Legion Boy's Nation. And sure he's sweating - ever stand outside in Washington DC wearing a suit in July?
  • Nov 22, 2013, 10:14 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Oliver. I was 20 when JFK was assassinated. I,like many other people, know exactly what they were doing when we heard the news. I also have been following this for years and have never heard of your theory regarding how many presidents were involved

    Canadian coverage has been just as thorough over the years as US.

    My question is, is your theory the general consensus?

    I don't believe there is a general consensus on this subject. Many believe it was Johnson, big oil, Hoover, and others but there are many different theories out there. Johnson is responsible for the deaths of 8 people that we know about including his sister and JFK. He was not mentally stable at the end of his life and I believe he was dealing with the demons that he created in his terrible life.
  • Nov 22, 2013, 10:26 AM
    I would say the most commonly held view is that the Warren Commission got it essentially right - Oswald acted alone - although many aspects of their investigation were seriously flawed. There is no consensus among the conspiracy theorists because there are too many contradictory theories: the Mafia, the CIA, the military-industrial complex, Texas oilmen, pro-Castro Cubans, anti-Castro Cubans, the KGB, J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, Lyndon Johnson, southern racists and the Joint Chiefs of Staff - pick one.
  • Nov 22, 2013, 10:53 AM
    What ebaines said. There are no shortage of conspiracy theories involving the Kennedy assassination.

    While I do believe Oswald acted alone (because no hard evidence to support anything else has turned up), I do believe he was influenced by others.

    But this stuff about LBJ, other than then that he wasn't stable at the end, is just theories.
  • Nov 22, 2013, 11:36 AM
    I had the opportunity to discuss this with JFK and Johnson's white house photographer back around 1991. His name was Cecil Stoughton and he is since dead. He didn't believe Johnson killed JFK although he did witness some bad behaviors.

    Nixon once said that Johnson and he really wanted to be President. The only difference was that Nixon wasn't willing to kill for it.

    Bobby Kennedy and Jackie both believed it was Johnson. It was a different time back then. You could execute a coup d'état just as easily as you could cover it up.
  • Nov 22, 2013, 12:04 PM
    Oliver, I think you read too much.

    What you are doing is picking up hearsay, bits and pieces of things people may have said offhand and trying to justify conspiracy theories based on it.

    Personally, I'd be more willing to believe Nixon would kill to be President, than Johnson. Johnson was more of a behind the scenes type of guy.
    As to what Bobby and Jackie may or may not have believed, I doubt if there is convincing proof they actually said they did.
  • Nov 22, 2013, 12:08 PM
    JFK didn't put the Stetson on! It had to be a Texan.

    I don't think it was a president or wannabe. I do think it was more than Oswald.
  • Nov 22, 2013, 12:18 PM
    Recognizing that this has nothing to do with reality, so just throwing out some ideas: actually I must agree that between LBJ and RMN I would believe LBJ more likely to have knocked off JFK. LBJ was a real arm-twister, a dirty politician who was first elected to Congress only through voter fraud, and he had great ambitions to be president. He actually ran in 1960 and was miffed that the young, brash, inexperienced guy out-campaigned him (sort of like Biden and Obama, come to think of it). Agreeing to take the VP spot was a sacrifice, and then Kennedy pretty much ignored him. So I could understand if LBJ didn't like serving under JFK, and his ego was such that he probably felt he could do a better job.

    Fun to speculate, but notwithstanding all that - there is no real evidence of any conspiracy involving LBJ.
  • Nov 22, 2013, 12:46 PM
    Reading too much isn't necessarily a bad thing you know. I have studied this for years and belong to several boards that study this. I really wanted to be at the conventions in Dallas this week. But I do believe...

    1. Johnson wanted to be President and he put the wheels in motion to be President shortly after the election.
    2. Oil guys wanted their oil depletion allowance which Kennedy was taking it away (Clint Murchison -original owner of the Dallas Cowboys and others)
    3. Big industrial machine wanted the war in Vietnam to continue so they could keep making a ton of money (Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and others).

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Vietnam War was an agreement between the Soviet Union and the USA to make money at the sake of innocent lives.

    Do you think the Panama invasion was to get a corrupt leader or was it because the corrupt leader stop paying people with his drug money?

    I used to think George H. W. Bush was a good man and I voted for him twice. I had dinner with him in April 1990. You should really learn about that man and his father Prescott Bush. Not so nice after all.

    Anyone ever done research on:
    Bohemian Grove
    Franklin Coverup
    General Michael Aquino

    Some scary stuff. Some true, probably some not so true.

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