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  • Nov 11, 2013, 11:50 PM
    I need help with roof/home repairs.
    Hi I am a 60 year disabled homeowner in Mercer County in Pennsylvania. My income is $732.00 a month. I am in need of roof-home repairs. Is there any help of any kind etc? Any kind of help is needed.
  • Nov 12, 2013, 03:35 AM
    Such help is always at the local level, and you are going to have to ask the Senior Center, town social worker, and any charities such as churches. But not all communities have such help, and we are still in a recession, with plenty of people who can't afford to work on their houses. There are also people who literally have no homes, and can't even afford rent. They come first.

    You need to start looking into selling your home and moving into senior/disabled housing, or perhaps buying a small condo that will leave you some cash from the sale of your house.
    Another option is taking in a roommate. That will give you an amount you can save for the roofing bill and other home repairs.
    Another option is a home equity loan.
    You are two years too young to get a reverse mortgage.
  • Nov 13, 2013, 01:25 PM
    Home Repairs: Pennsylvania

    Senior Citizen Home Repair Grants | eHow

    Senior Centers

    I started with the Google search, programs for seniors to make home repairs in PA
  • Nov 13, 2013, 02:12 PM
    I did look at such sites (the ehow site doesn't even have the correct spelling of the link).
    There are so many requirements about what is rural and who must have a mortgage and on and on that I decided it was best to refer this person to local people.
    AND not to count on anything in this day and age.
    The red tape is confusing, and it could take all day to figure out if he or she qualifies.
  • Nov 13, 2013, 02:48 PM
    Navigating the system to arrive at viable options can be daunting, and may require a savvy friend or relative for help.

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