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  • Mar 3, 2013, 07:52 AM
    The cops

    Is there a prevailing belief that the cops won't investigate minor crimes? I think there is, and I don't think it's good. How big does a theft have to be before the cops will pay attention to it?

  • Mar 3, 2013, 08:18 AM
    Is there a prevailing belief that the cops won't investigate minor crimes?
    Yes of course, especially in big cities. They tell you to go to the station and fill out a report.

    My attic windows once got shot out in the middle of the night by some guys in a car when I was standing on the second floor porch in my bathrobe. I called the cops and the cop on the desk said 'Probably some kids.' Not even a theft.

    I imagine that the value they respond to is proportional to the amount of crime in their area. The higher the crime rate, the higher the value has to be.
    However, if the theft is GUNS, they run out to your house right away.
  • Mar 3, 2013, 08:25 AM
    Hello joy:

    Thanks for responding... Just as I thought.. Cops SUCK!

  • Mar 3, 2013, 08:56 AM
    HEY don't draw conclusions. Go watch 3 hours of COPS.
  • Mar 3, 2013, 09:00 AM
    Not ALL cops suck. Some do yes just as in most professions you have your bad and your good.
    I belong to a group on Facebook about all the dogs being shot by police. Even that page will post positive stories about cops that help out dogs instead of just shooting them.
    I will agree with you if you say SOME cops suck.
  • Mar 3, 2013, 09:06 AM
    Hello again, joy and mogrann:


    Go watch 3 hours of COPS.
    I already KNOW how those a$$holes bust people. I don't want to watch it.

    I will agree with you if you say SOME cops suck.
    How about MOST cops suck?

  • Mar 3, 2013, 10:09 AM
    Had a few encounters in all my years that I didn't like and don't even want to talk about.

    I just have that liberal streak that says don't generalize.

    One cop stopped me for running a stop sign and said 'you aren't going to cry are you' and I wasn't, but as soon as he said that, I burst into tears. Another put my Honda bike in his trunk and drove me 30 miles when my license plate fell off and I had never bothered to put both on.
    But another cop took my keys and made me walk 2 miles home in the dark after a snowstorm just before Christmas because I got stopped for speeding and my license had expired a few days earlier and I forgot because my husband had just dumped me for a younger woman.
    (I don't mind talking about the driving violations.)
  • Mar 3, 2013, 10:17 AM
    Hello again, joy:

    WHY give them a pass? Could they NOT have cleaned their ranks of the a$$holes you ran into? They COULD have, but they didn't. Why? Because MOST of 'em would do the same thing.

    I repeat - cops SUCK!

  • Mar 3, 2013, 10:43 AM
    I agree in all professions the wall of silence needs to stop. Maybe this is my black and white thinking raising its head but if someone is doing something wrong at their job people need to speak up. The ones that speak up with VALID concerns should have no worries about their job or promotions being affected. We need more good cops to speak up against the bad ones. That is the way I feel they will get more respect back from most people. Lets be honest the bad people who rape, murder, steal etc will never like cops.
  • Mar 3, 2013, 11:50 AM
    I am NOT EXCUSING any kind of unprofessional or bad behavior but try dealing with the underbelly of humanity for 12 hrs a day.

    Been there , done that.

    People never call 911 when they are having a great a day and want you to stop by for a burger.
  • Mar 3, 2013, 12:05 PM
    Hello again, Mc:


    I am NOT EXCUSING any kind of unprofessional or bad behavior but try dealing with the underbelly of humanity for 12 hrs a day.
    Looks to me, like you're doing EXACTLY that.

    If a cop CAN'T distinguish the underbelly of society from a soccer mom, he should find a different line of work.. He's going to run into BOTH of them during his day.

    There ARE cops who manage to do that. I don't hate them.

  • Mar 3, 2013, 12:18 PM
    I suppose part of me is just wimpy because I might have to call the cops. I don't remember calling the cops since about 1982 when 'just kids' shot out my attic windows.
    But I still can't bring myself to say I know what every cop is like, all over the 50 states, when I haven't even been to most states, and certainly haven't even had an encounter with more than about a dozen...
  • Mar 3, 2013, 12:29 PM
    Hello j:

    I think they're pretty much all the same. And, I think Mogrann nailed the reason why. They DON'T snitch on each other - NO matter WHAT. That leaves LOUSY cops on the job, and good cops free to go lousy, because they can get away with it.

  • Mar 3, 2013, 12:29 PM
    Sometimes , the difference in attitude is very similar. It's just that one drives a late model minivan and the other a 1990 F150.

    I have been to homes with dirt floors ( really) and homes that had bathrooms as big as the first floor of my house. It isn't the amount of money a person makes that determines how they behave.

    When people call the police , they usually have a good idea how THEY think the issue should be handled. They typically do so from an uneducated ( as far as the laws go) point of view. When the officer tells them how the incident is going to be handled , they may or may not be happy. When they are firmly planted that the officer SHOULD DO __________, and doesn't , they join the " cops suck " brigade.

    There are times that either the DA or the chief has directed them what to do. There are times that the entire incident is a de minimis infraction. ( that would be doing 56 in a 55 zone). An officer has broad powers to do a lot.

    I would say in many instances , they do not arrest / ticket when they actually could have. I wrote MANY , MANY more warnings than tickets. Could I have given someone a ticket for a burned out taillight ? Yes. Did I? rarely.

    Law Enforcement is about common sense , taking care of people and problems so they don't happen again. And of course , helping victims of crimes.

    It is truly an occupation of " you have to walk a mile in their shoes to understand what they do"

    During my career I ticketed the Chiefs daughter , a secretaries son , arrested the brother of one of my co-workers for DUI , another secretaries sister for DUI , a lawyer for DUI etc. I got kicked in the face , in the chest , had my hand gouged and all scraped up , tore a shoulder ligament , got hit by a drunk driver ( yes , in the police car) and the list goes on.

    I gave many breaks but most certainly made my share of arrests.

    Cops are like any other profession , there are some bad apples among the good.
  • Mar 11, 2013, 07:15 PM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello joy:

    Thanks for responding... Just as I thought.. Cops SUCK!


    Really? That is such an immature comment. You probably are the type that blames a cop for YOUR speeding ticket. Of course, your driving over the speed limit would have nothing to do with it because YOU can't take personal responsibility for anything. Cops have a job to do. I don't see you our there getting shot at... no you chose the easy route and became a "victim" of our BAD criminal justice system. Pathetic Loser.
  • Mar 11, 2013, 11:55 PM
    Hey Handydude:

    I AIN'T interested in your opinion of me... F**k off.

  • Mar 12, 2013, 03:33 AM
    Handyman and excon, turn off the testosterone or someone will call the cops.
  • Mar 12, 2013, 07:00 AM
    I want to apologize to the board. My comment was not acceptable for this forum.
  • Mar 12, 2013, 07:16 AM
    Hello again, Handydude:

    You didn't insult the board, you insulted ME. F**k OFF!

  • Mar 16, 2013, 06:51 PM
    I think it be best that from now on we just ignore each other. I won't acknowledge your answers and you don't acknowledge mine. Getting too nasty. I don't need this and should realize this is an internet forum... "You know how the special Olympics and arguing on the Internet are alike? Even if you win, you are still a retard."
    Let's just stop

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