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  • Feb 27, 2013, 07:31 AM
    Anyone experience Ascension Symptoms??
    I have been having the ascension symptoms for the last 2 years a lot of change for the mind/body/spirit to take on, my symptoms have not been to bad until about two weeks ago when I felt pain in my chest thought I was going to have an heart attack then found out that it was my heart chakra opening up. Anybody else got any stories about the ascension symptoms?
  • Feb 27, 2013, 08:30 AM
    I read your other post which was part of a really old thread

    Maybe you can explain just what you are looking for. The heart chakra is one small part of the whole system.
  • Feb 27, 2013, 05:14 PM
    And how did you find out you believe your heart chakra was opening up?
  • Mar 4, 2013, 05:01 AM
    Around 2 weeks ago thought I was going to have an heart attack because I had pain on the chest towards where the heart would be slightly the left and also couldn’t breath normal, then a couple days after that seen a post about the ascension symptoms which vie seen numerous times before but this one was stating about the heart chakra, Seventh level -the heart chakra opens more Chest pains (angina) are more common as the heart continues to open its energy fields, thought to myself that's what I'm experiencing rather than a heart attack thank god.
  • Mar 4, 2013, 09:21 AM
    I hope you never are having a true heart attack and ignore it because you think it is the heart chakra opening again.

    Do you meditate a lot ?
  • Mar 4, 2013, 04:03 PM
    I'm with tickle... I have concerns for you physical health. Please tell me you at least went to a doctor?
  • Mar 5, 2013, 09:55 AM
    I don’t meditate, I used to have concerns about my body, health just like everyone else but after going on a course by Dolores cannon had a practitioner put me under hypnosis and got to my subconscious and asked if I was to suffer from any health in the next 40 years and the reply I got was average health throughout those years also had a body scan during the time could feel my knee burning was wondering why during the session then as soon as I was out of the trance I was telling the practitioner even though I forgot to tell you I suffer from a bad knee now and again (after drinking) I think the subconscious has healed it and two months on from the course my knee been giving me no trouble at all, so please don’t have concerns over my physical health. No I haven’t gone to the doctor cause one of two things will happen he will test me and find nothing or the doc might want to put me on medication to keep the pharmaceutical companies happy even though I would be better off the meds.
  • Mar 5, 2013, 11:37 AM

    Originally Posted by Garethqhht View Post
    . No I haven’t gone to the doctor cause one of two things will happen he will test me and find nothing or the doc might want to put me on medication to keep the pharmaceutical companies happy even though I would be better off the meds.

    I think you are in denial about your chest pain, and I don't believe it was your heart chakra opening up. Now don't get me wrong I am not a non believer on a lot fronts, I have seen more then I need to.

    Keeping pharmaceutical companies happy? The high blood pressure pill. Cholesterol meds, whatever, may just give you a few more years to actually find all of your chakras.

    Don't throw the baby out with the bath water and disregard a good physical. A 'doctor' putting you under and giving you a clean bill of health is ludicrous.
  • Mar 5, 2013, 02:33 PM
    Well, said!

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