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  • Jul 20, 2012, 08:38 PM
    Living separately, is there a spousal 'housing allowance'?
    I am a newly-wed Marine wife, and am seeking advice as to my options for benefits: Due to the great expense of my chosen degree, I am continuing to attend college in Colorado, despite my husband being stationed in North Carolina. Since we will be living apart, he would have to move off base to receive BAH and try to support two households with the allotted amount. This does not seem like it would be in our best interest. Is there a benefit, program, etc. that I (as a spouse) am entitled to that would cover my housing expenses even though we don't live together (like a spousal "housing allowance")? If so, what is it's name? Any info would be much appreciated! Thank you!
  • Aug 9, 2012, 06:44 PM
    Hello. Congrats on the marriage. As far as your question goes, the answer is no. Your husbands current BAH will be that of Camp Lejeune region (assuming that's where he's at). Its done this way because in the end the BAH is for your husband's convenience not yours.

    Some things I would advise is for your husband to talk to the Family Readiness program on base (forgot the name of it). If anyone would know for sure or had a way/program of helping, it would be the individuals there. I would also advise getting into a Marine spouse network. There are many out there. Questions pertaining to specifics like BAH, TriCare, etc... are generally best answered by those that are in the same situation as you.

    I am not sure of your husbands MOS but being in the fleet does leave ample time for him to contact someone in regards to this issue you guys have. Even if it needs to start at the fireteam level (ie: TL). Utilize the chain of command and Marines will get the answer for your husband.

    Can I ask you a question? Have you looked at the schooling on base?

    -Semper Fi-

    Aka: Another Marine Wife's husband :D
  • Aug 9, 2012, 07:31 PM
    No, it is your choice to follow a certain degree at a certain college. Many go for other degrees done though local or even online colleges. So because you chose not to live with him for personal reasons there is no extra pay
  • Aug 9, 2012, 07:55 PM
    Thank you for answering, I appreciate it. And yes, I have looked at schooling on base. I am seeking a bachelors degree in Animation. It is a common enough thing for a college to have associates in animation, but that is for low-level game art positions. I am interested in management film art and design. Schools that offer such degrees are $75,000+ tuition, where as the university I attend is $10,000 whilst I get the same degree. There are a couple of online options, but studios do not accept those.


    Originally Posted by ITstudent2006 View Post
    Hello. Congrats on the marriage. As far as your question goes, the answer is no. Your husbands current BAH will be that of Camp Lejeune region (assuming thats where he's at). Its done this way because in the end the BAH is for your husband's convenience not yours.

    Some things I would advise is for your husband to talk to the Family Readiness program on base (forgot the name of it). If anyone would know for sure or had a way/program of helping, it would be the individuals there. I would also advise getting into a Marine spouse network. There are many out there. Questions pertaining to specifics like BAH, TriCare, etc... are generally best answered by those that are in the same situation as you.

    I am not sure of your husbands MOS but being in the fleet does leave ample time for him to contact someone in regards to this issue you guys have. Even if it needs to start at the fireteam level (ie: TL). Utilize the chain of command and Marines will get the answer for your husband.

    Can I ask you a question? Have you looked at the schooling on base?

    -Semper Fi-

    aka: Another Marine Wifes husband :D

  • Aug 9, 2012, 08:22 PM
    Well I guess a conversation with your husband is in order. You agreeing to marrying your husband knowing fair well he will not be in Colorado (being an active Marine) is a decision you made. It has consequences; hence this thread as example, and you will have to decide together your next course of action. Marines adapt and overcome, that is why we are so elite. When we get knocked off course, we improvise, we re-route, re-plan. OODA!! Was this not planned for when he joined? I would think this was something you would have talked about and figured out before joining?!

    You'll figure it out. Something's going to have to change though. Whether it's your housing situation in Colorado or your degree choice. That is in assumption that this 2nd house is severely impacting your financial status.

    A decision will have to be made and unfortunately your husband isn't in the position to do what's best for him right now. He is at the mercy of the United States Government. I hate to say this but if sacrifices are needed, it will be you sacrificing. As a Marine wife, you already know this though ;)

    Good Luck!
  • Jan 25, 2013, 12:39 AM
    Spouses of service members do not receive benefits and are not entitled to any benefits. With that said, there are benefits that the service member receives that is meant to help families.

    His BAH should be based on where you are located as you are his spouse so therefore, is meant to pay for housing in your area. He should live in bachelor quarters or barracks (depending on his rank) so that you two do not have to come out of pocket for a second home.

    He should also receive family separation pay but only if he is eligible. Have him go talk to his personnel people (the people who deals w/ pay and benefits) to see what he is eligible for. Also, make sure he updates his paperwork to reflect his marriage to you in case anything happens so that you are covered.

    As a spouse, you are also able to use certain benefits through him for college. Have him go to his local college office and ask about financial assistance that are for active duty spouses.

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