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  • Jan 16, 2012, 07:40 PM
    I want to get my Cartilage pierced but my mom says no!
    I'm 12 and I want to get my cartilage pierced and I have asked my mom 1,000,000 times and she won't give in. I can pay for it myself and I have made a list of chores I would do around the house if she let me get it pierced. And still no. All I hear from her is no. She thinks I'm to young to get any thing but my 1st and 2nd lobe pierced.

    Please give me advice

  • Jan 16, 2012, 07:45 PM
    Wait. Be patient. Drop it for now. The more you bug her, the more she will dig in her heels and say no. If you irritate her enough, she will make you wait until you are 18.
  • Jan 16, 2012, 08:51 PM
    Instead of making a list of chores you WILL do around the house... why not start doing those chores now? Don't make an issue of it.. just start doing them along with other things that will reflect your maturity. After you have shown that you are a responsible child and capable of making decisions for yourself, she may have a little more leniency.

    By the way, what "cartilage" are you talking about? The cartilage in your ear? Nose? Or somewhere else?
  • Jan 16, 2012, 08:53 PM
    I of course agree you are too young and your mom is right.

    But if any of my children keep bugging and bugging me and asking me 1000 times, I would be sure they never got to.

    And no you can't get it done without moms OK. Even if you found someone that would, mom can just make you stop wearing the ring.
  • Jan 16, 2012, 08:59 PM
    I have an 11 year old daughter and if she asked for a cartilage piercing, this is what I'd tell her.

    Your body is not done growing yet. Your earlobes are basically just skin and fat so if they're pierced their shape shouldn't change as you grow. I don't think the same can be said for cartilage. If you pierced it now and wore jewelry it's possible that the shape of your ear would change as you continue to grow and it might become malformed.

    Let your body finish developing before you try to change it, OK?
  • Jan 16, 2012, 09:03 PM
    Well I think 12 maybe a bit too young for something like that, maybe you should still think about it, because later on you might regret it. Just give it some time and try not to ask as much, it's good that your willing to pay for it, but maybe your mom isn't ready. So if I were you I would just be patient!
  • Jan 17, 2012, 02:16 PM
    For DrJ it's the top of my ear carilage.
  • Jan 17, 2012, 04:15 PM
    Do you think 13 is to young to get a Cartilage piercing
    Tell me what you think what age is OK to get cartilage pierced.

    Thanks ;)
  • Jan 17, 2012, 05:15 PM
    Hi my daughter is 13 and wants her nose pierced also . She often would get nose bleeds so I first took her to our family dr and she said it was OK next my daughter and I visited a reputable piercing place he imformed me that she had to be 16 or get a parentswritten consent while we were at the piercing parlor she saw another young lady get her nose pierced it was quite painful somy daughter wants to wait a little longer please don't pierce your nose yourself my daughters best friends pierced her nose and got infected now she has a scar on her nose she has to wear cover up daily askyour mom when she's relaked and not stressed to please make a appointment with your dr and your mom can ask the doctor questions about the piercing and exspain how to take care of it such as cleaning the piercing once daily let her know that you will take care of piercng and that you're a responsible young lady
  • Jan 25, 2012, 10:17 AM
    I don't have a say, really. I am 23, going on 24. I didn't pierce any cartilages until I was 18, which was when I was able to go without having a parent with me. I would agree with the 'body growing' part, though. Surely, your body has begun menstruating, but it is still growing. I think that's why most piercing places don't pierce people younger than 16, even with a parent's consent. As ridiculous as it sounds to not be unable to pierce your cartilage at a young age, it is also kind of a bummer, because cartilage piercings aren't bad... especially on the ear. I don't know what cartilage you're wanting to pierce.. but anyway, I would wait if I were you--even though it's a pain knowing that you have what? 4 more years until you can go with a parent. But yeah, like someone else said, actively do the things you told your mom you WILL do. Show her that you can carry responsibility. :-) Patience pays off.
  • Feb 17, 2012, 11:21 AM
    Im 12 and I got my cartlige pierced when I was it doesn't hurt at all it just feels like a pinch. My brother is 9 and he has his cartlige pierced also.
  • Feb 17, 2012, 11:24 AM
    Im 12 and I got my catlige pierced when I was 11 and my brother got his when he was 9 and it doesn't hurt it just feels like a pinch trust me
  • May 30, 2012, 10:04 AM
    I'm 16 and I have my Cartilage on the top of my ear pierced...
    (if you mean the top of your ear)
    My friend pierced it 6 days ago, and my mom doesn't know about it.. it's really easy to hide... although he used a proper piercing needle and put some disinfectant on it before he even thought about doing it
    Although it's sore even till this day!
    I avoid sleeping on it as much as possible because it hurts still! Although it's not as bad.
    I sometimes feel bad about getting it done behind my moms back, but if you want it done that bad it's your decision.. Although think about weather you can take the guilt!
    It doesn't hurt to pierce and it looks really good, I don't think age matters a great deal... Just think about it a lot before you do something you might regret!
  • Jul 9, 2012, 01:20 PM
    Well, 12 is a little young. I'm 16 and I'm still trying to talk my mom into letting me get one. Maybe she's trying to tell you that now is not the right time. Try being patient and seeing where that takes you.
  • Jul 20, 2012, 06:29 AM
    I didn't get my cartilage done until I was 22 and then another one at 23(b-day present to myself :P) Waiting isn't the end of the world! I recall being around your age, maybe a year older, and confidently knowing I would have cartilage piercings, but I also knew it was a ridiculous thing to ask for at my age, patience, when you hit the 16-20 range you'll be able to get what you please mattering on where you live, its not that long of a wait, I promise!

    Also, constant badgering your mum is the worst thing you can do, I agree with all the old-timers saying they'd never give in to their kid doing this. The argument of being mature enough just doesn't work at your age, I'm afraid.
  • Aug 3, 2012, 09:18 AM
    You have to be at least 13 with your moms permission, so just wait
  • Sep 3, 2012, 03:42 PM
    Ok I'm 12 and my mom worked at Piercing Pagoda for 3 years. My mom is going to pierce my cartilage on my ear herself. My mom says that she feels a lot more comfortable that way. My mom has told me since I was 10 that I could get them both pierced when I was 12. Im almost 13 now though lol. Anyway I feel that its OK to get it pierced at 12 I don't have to pay for anything my step father is going to buy the earrings sadly I have to have real gold or my ears get infected so its going to be 40 bucks for 2 real gold earrings. But I don't have to do any responsibilities for mine. I am thinking your mother isn't letting you because she doesn't want to accept the fact that your getting older and when your more responsible for things it makes them feel old.
    Hope this helps :D
  • Sep 3, 2012, 03:43 PM

    Originally Posted by cloeeee View Post
    you have to be at least 13 with your moms permission, so just wait

    No you don't have to be 13 before the age of 18 you have to have a parents consent but you can always get it before then
  • Sep 3, 2012, 03:48 PM

    Originally Posted by cloeeee View Post
    you have to be at least 13 with your moms permission, so just wait

    No you don't have to be 13 before the age of 18 you have to have a parents consent but you can always get it before then
  • Sep 23, 2012, 11:36 PM
    Hi, I just turned 13 and for my birthday I got my helix pierced (the cartilage in my upper ear). I have had no problems with it - I paid an extra $5.00 to buy an aftercare kit which I used in the morning and at night everyday for one week. I evan swam at the beach 5 days later and still no infection occurred. If you are trying to convince a parent you have to show how mature you are and how responsible you can be. To persuade my mum I made a deal with her which meant it was a win/win situation. However I had some issues with my school and from now on I have to have a clear eating in and I must wear a bandand. If I was to do it again, I probably would have waited to school holidays so that while it was in its healing period, it wasn't covered with a bandand... However I am so happy I got it done and I changed the eating three day's later - I hope this helped (;

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