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  • Sep 23, 2010, 08:28 PM
    Green Elephant
    What would drive you to move?
    Hello All!

    A bit ago I asked a question about the cities that have the best autumn season. I realize that I have to be more specific on what I've been feeling lately.

    My girlfriend and I both live in Michigan, and soon she will be moving out of state somewhere (Possibly Pennsylvania) and I have too much keeping me here at the moment to move with her.

    I have a good job, I'm in my second year of art college, and I'm in a serious band. Lately the idea of her leaving horrifies me, not because I think I'll lose her, but because I don't want to be without her everyday, and only video chat/talk on the phone.

    I feel because of this new perspective, It's made me think a lot about whether I always want to live in Michigan, or if I can see myself moving to a different state/city one day.

    The girlfriend and I have discussed moving, because she isn't the biggest Michigan fan. But both of our families live here, and we've have friends and strong roots here.

    I on the other hand Love Michigan, but sometimes I feel like the grass is greener in bigger, more "well known" cities.

    I could get a new job, and the band could probably relocate a bigger city (It might even be better for us) But my question is:

    What generally makes people decide to move to new cities in the first place?

    Because to me, I can come up with reasons I should move to a different city, and many reasons I shouldn't. The thought of how many cities there are is staggering, and I'm always left feeling overwhelmed.

    So any input on the subject would be MUCH appreciated. Thanks!
  • Sep 23, 2010, 08:44 PM

    Where in PA is she going? Philly and Pittsburgh are two movin' and groovin' cities. Would either work for you (in relation to her)?

    I moved from western NY to Chicago in order to go to college, married a local guy, and moved to a western suburb when we got married (apartment prices were good there). Then we moved further west to buy a house (another good financial deal). I've been here since 1972. The next stop will be heaven.
  • Sep 23, 2010, 08:51 PM
    Green Elephant
    Well, she would be going to Penn state for Grad school. I guess my dilemma is that I don't think I would know if I would enjoy leaving Michigan unless I actually do it, then I'm scared I would be a mistake :/ It might just be one of those "take a leap things"

    Then again, I would need to make sure it's a city that my other band member wouldn't mind living in either. Since my plan is to become a full time musician one day, I would want it to be a place that we could thrive.

    When you and your husband moved, did it feel natural? Cause moving doesn't feel natural, at least right now. And I'd like to think that people just KNOW when they should or shouldn't move.

    Is that something I can expect? I'd like it to not even be a question, but rather: "I can't put this off any longer, I need to move" or of course, "Moving just isn't the answer".

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