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  • Jun 15, 2009, 08:00 AM
    Red itchy bumps on my arms only
    A few days ago, I started to get red mosquito like bumps on my arms, they itch like crazy.
    We have ruled out bedbugs as we have treated our home. We do live next to a marina and have a picture window open to it, possibly mosquitoes.
    When I wake up in the morning, I usually break out with these bumps and itch like mad.
    I have no food allergies, I am not taking any medications.
    We recently moved into a new home, but we had an exterminator come and treat our house for anything and everything.
    My boyfriend did use fabric softener for our laundry a few days ago, and I'm starting to think it was that, as it has happened to my mother as well.
    But what else could it be?
    I'm lost... im itching like crazy and miserable!!
  • Jun 15, 2009, 12:48 PM
    Hi! That just happened to me!! But I only got them on my stomach! I put a cold damp rag on them and it helped with the itching... I had just bought a new fabic softener and that's what it so, so it might have been that with you as well... if not do you have any animals? It could be a flea bite.

    Best of luck!
  • Feb 23, 2012, 07:37 PM
    [email protected] I have the same thing and it won't go away how did you treat it
  • May 27, 2012, 06:22 AM
    I'm not sure what they are but I am suffering from them as well. Both arms below the shoulder and above the wrists. Checked the room for the usual suspects and found no trace of insects but there is a grassy field the other side of the driveway next to my bedroom window. Any information would be helpful.
  • Jun 13, 2012, 12:07 AM
    My mom switched to a new detergent, that is probably the cause even though I have it on over my arms and legs as well.
  • Jul 17, 2012, 03:10 PM
    Hey folks! I too have these bumps/hives that appear on my arms as well it was driving me insane. It's caused by the bad UV rays... from the sun. I worshipped the sun for years with no problems until now. I purchased a good UV block and it works! For those trying to rid the hives purchase" tecnu" at any pharmacy. This will dry up the hives quickly and relieve the itching. When venturing out use the highest uv block possible. Hope this was helpful!
  • Aug 13, 2012, 10:38 PM
    Hi there, I have these red itchy bumps on my arms also, and I was wondering if it was caused by the sun. I recently was alergy tested and found nothing, and then I went to a neurologist because I thought it was Brachial Radial Peritus, but those tests came back negative as well, and now the red itchy bumps. I will try the Tencu and see what that does. Stevani, I am in the U.S. are you? The reason I ask is because I want to be sure this is something I can buy at my local drug store, or if it is a product just sold in other countries. Thanks
  • Aug 14, 2012, 07:40 AM

    Originally Posted by coolgrmma View Post
    Hi there, I have these red itchy bumps on my arms also, and I was wondering if it was caused by the sun. I recently was alergy tested and found nothing, and then I went to a neurologist because I thought it was Brachial Radial Peritus, but those tests came back negative as well, and now the red itchy bumps. I will try the Tencu and see what that does. Stevani, I am in the U.S. are you? The reason I ask is because I want to be sure this is something I can buy at my local drug store, or if it is a product just sold in other countries. Thanks

    Hi Coolgrmma, yes I live in NJ :) and I'm hive/ itchy free since using Tecnu. That will get rid the hives and itch at which point you don't need to keep applying. Just make sure you apply uv block everyday when in the sun! My arms are tan and free of hives/itch. I hope this works for you.
  • May 30, 2013, 09:10 AM
    I've been getting a lot of these red itchy bumps all over my body. It started from the arms, then I noticed my legs started itching as well and finally one day I woke up to find the left side of my face with red bumps. I have no idea what this is. I've never had allergies or anything that would cause this. I did recently buy a clonge and my buddy told me that it could be because of that. Anyone know how to treat this allergy like symptoms?
  • May 30, 2013, 08:39 PM

    Originally Posted by Tim1697 View Post
    I've been getting a lot of these red itchy bumps all over my body. It started from the arms, then I noticed my legs started itching as well and finally one day I woke up to find the left side of my face with red bumps. I have no idea what this is. I've never had allergies or anything that would cause this. I did recently buy a clonge and my buddy told me that it could be because of that. Anyone know how to treat this allergy like symptoms?

    Hey Tim, if you just bought a new cologne and this happened I'd say it's the cologne. Try an over the counter med for allergies and an anti itch cream. Clean anything the cologne may have come in contact with.Many products, especially those containing fragrances and/or dyes, can irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction. Symptoms include itchy, scaly red patches or rash; swelling; hives; or blisters. Topical (on the skin) corticosteroids can help control the itching, swelling, and redness. Good luck!
  • Jun 9, 2013, 11:30 AM
    itchy momma
    June 9,2013

    I had the same problem for over a week now. I got no clue how and what causes the fine red itchy bumps on my arms. I don't think its eczema. The more I scratched it, the more it spreads slowly. I just had to stay away from my kid and wash my hand constantly. I looked up online but seems like just like everyone else has no remedy to it.

    -fine red bumps
    -super itchy and irritating
    -it spreads out
    -it gets worst when exposed to heat and sweat.
    -it gets really itchy when my hair touches it

    My home remedy when it gets too itchy:

    -I ran hot water over the itchy area. I just let the hot water ran over until the itch go away. I just thought hot water kills bacteria. I did the same process to the other areas
    -Then I washed my arms with a liquid soap "Ajax" (triple action - wash away bacteria)
    -remove soap with hot water
    -pat dry with clean towel
    -finally applied "Eucerin Aquaphor" Healing ointment (advanced theraphy for dry, cracked, and irritated skin).

    I repeated the process twice, and so far and it seemed to work. It calmed down the itchiness and the bumps and redness started to lessen.

    I hope this helps you guys as well.

    Itchy momma
  • Aug 2, 2013, 08:44 AM
    I have red itcy spots on top of arms back and chest feel unwell for two weeks went to doctors gave me a cream but this does not work I have sharp pains in body I don't know what to think doctor said he dident have a clue help
  • Aug 2, 2013, 11:04 AM

    Originally Posted by szmidt View Post
    I have red itcy spots on top of arms back and chest feel unwell for two weeks went to doctors gave me a cream but this does not work I have sharp pains in body I don't know what to think doctor said he dident have a clue help

    Go to a different doctor! His response of "I don't know" is not very professional.
  • Sep 4, 2013, 07:37 AM
    HIVES , URTICARIA, ALLERGY TO NUTS , finger millet, acidity, problems with liver, gas formation [bloating] >> need to eat food at the right time to avoid gaps in your stomach , sometimes drinking a lot a water is not the ultimate>> may be your body might retain liquid and make you fat, my tummy retains water.. and I got a water belly at the minute -_-

    Hope this helps :D
  • Apr 20, 2015, 12:17 PM
    I hope you guys are right about the ****** sun thing because iknow its non of the following for me

    New detergent
    Bed bugs
    Any type of pesk
    Food allergies

    At first I would wake up with one or two red ichy dots but then after a week of this I woke up and both my arms were just covered in these ****** dots and I didn't have a single ****** clue as to what they are.
    I am being driven so ****** insain I don't know how it took me this long to find out what these are

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