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  • Oct 15, 2007, 06:39 PM
    Can't cope with the recent death of my 25 yr old son
    My 25 yr old son recently passed away from (what we suspect) will prove to be an unintentional drug overdose. He battled substance abuse his entire short life and the pain of losing him is simply unbearable to both myself and my wife. I never before believed in "communicating with the dead"... but my god... how "comforting" it would be to simply be able to know that "where ever he is"... he is all right, and happy. I have always heard that those who have been subject to "near death experiences" claim that they did not want to come back to this world... they all claimed that the "after life" was SO AMAZING and SO WONDERFUL that they never wanted to come back.

    Can anyone relate to my pain? Thanks
  • Oct 15, 2007, 06:51 PM
    Oh, dear. I am so sorry for your loss. It is painful indeed I am sure. I have never lost a child, and I hear that is one of the most painful losses to bear, but I have lost may loved ones, my father this summer is the most recent.

    Speaking of my father, he claimed to have a near death experience, oh, 32 years ago, when my mother was pregnant with my little brother. He described it exactly like you say. He said it was so peaceful, so relaxing, so warm. He said he did not want to come back, but was told he had to, that he had unfinished business. Two days later my brother was born. I was 11 at the time and can remember him talking about it like it was something wonderful... beautiful.

    When he was sick this past year, then again close to his death, he spoke of it again. He told us not to worry, that he will be just fine. That he would be in a wonderful place with no pain, either physical or emotional, that he would finally be at peace.

    Again, I am so sorry for your loss, it must be a tremendous weight on your shoulders, a difficult cross to carry. But I can assure you that you will get through this.

    I will keep you in my thoughts. And please do not hesitate to post from time to time, if not for support, then just to vent.

    Take care Kenny, I hope to hear from you soon.
  • Oct 16, 2007, 04:07 AM
    So sorry for your loss.
  • Oct 16, 2007, 06:06 PM
    Thanks for your response... Kenny
  • Oct 22, 2007, 07:39 AM
    Niki B

    Originally Posted by Kenny1954
    My 25 yr old son recently passed away from (what we suspect) will prove to be an unintentional drug overdose. He battled substance abuse his entire short life and the pain of losing him is simply unbearable to both myself and my wife. I never before believed in "communicating with the dead" ....but my "comforting" it would be to simply be able to know that "where ever he is" ....he is alright, and happy. I have always heard that those who have been subject to "near death experiences" claim that they did not want to come back to this world....they all claimed that the "after life" was SO AMAZING and SO WONDERFUL that they never wanted to come back.

    Can anyone relate to my pain? Thanks


    The only that makes sense to me is to celebrate him and his life. We also lost a nephew in exactly the same way. Exactly. Not sure if it was an accident or not. He was 24. Faith is exactly that... faith. We know that he would not want us to be sitting here in sorrow. He would want us to move on and live our lives to the fullest. Although difficult we are trying. We never forget him. It's been 3 years now. We celebrate him. We celebrate his birthdays we remember all the time and talk about him. That is what we think he would want. Each family has to do what is right for them. And no one has the right to judge. Find happiness in what is, not what you wish should have been. For ourselves, we had a lovely nephew for 24 years and we celebrate our love for him.

    I hope your heart heals. I send you and your family my love.
  • Oct 28, 2007, 04:32 PM
    Robert Brenner
    My son died at age 20, in 1993. If I can help, let me know.
  • Oct 28, 2007, 04:40 PM
    Kenny and Bob, I am so sorry for your losses. I lost my 15 year old daughter 15 years ago. Two of her best friends died one month earlier and I remember their funerals and how I felt for those dad's. A month later I found out exactly how they felt. The past 15 years have not been easy for me or my family but slowly you start to remember all of the good and let some of the grief drift to the back of your mind. You will never forget and never be the same but you son's life gave meaning to your life. That will never change and you will grow. I am not hear to profess religion but I can tell you I learned how to pray. My family and I went to grief conceling for 6months and I returned a year later still feeling depressed. Over time I came to appreciate those counselors and 5 years later became the president of their board of directors. I am still close to them because they helped me in my darkest hour. I hope that you will find some comfort knowing that he is OK and you will be to someday in the future. I will pray for you two men.
  • Mar 11, 2012, 05:31 PM
    My son died in October 2010. He was only 19 years old. The pain is ongoing and is iincredible at times where I just want to lock myself away from everything and everyone. I am a christain even though the bible does not approve oof contacting the dead. I decided to have a phone reading with a very professional lady in Sydney. Everythiing she said during my reading was amazing it gace me peace for a while and when I am feeling down again I contact her to give me more information about my son. Just go with your heart and I hope truly that you can rest assured as I believe noow after reading so many books on NDE (near death experience) that life does go on.

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