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  • Jun 10, 2013, 05:08 PM
    My 7 yr old sees and hears spirits
    My daughter has always has a gift I guess you would call it and has really made some believers out if people. I thought she would out grow it but she is seeing more and hearing more and she has even given me messages and known things that there is no way she could had known. I'm not sure how to help her understand it and now she has one she is scared of. I promise we are not crazy people. I just need to know if anyone has any advice
  • Jun 10, 2013, 05:11 PM
    Most 7 year old's see and talk to people that aren't there... they are called imaginary friends... and are a result of the active imaginations most young kids have.

    If you want to believe something your mind can find a way to justify almost anything as a sign. That's how "fortune tellers" ply their trade.

    Make a statement broad enough.. and like a broken clock... its right at least twice a day.
  • Jun 12, 2013, 05:04 PM
    Indeed, how can you help her to understand a situation like this when you don't understand it yourself. I'm not here to say who is lying and who isn't... or who is telling the truth and who isn't. I believe these things do happen, and happen quite frequently more than some might think.

    This isn't a gift your daughter possesses. Think of it more as a spirit coming to her and ALLOWING her to see it. Spirits have a will and a great many powers and abilities. They can be seen by whom they want, when they want. Spirit are very likely manifesting to her... it's nothing she has done. Spirits are able to communicate information most people wouldn't know because they are UNSEEN entities, that are very aware of things that go on in our lives. It's very easy for them to even act as though they know the future.

    But smoothy has a point as well... which is also a valid explanation. You're the parent, you decide whether your child is sincere or not.
  • Jun 28, 2013, 01:53 PM
    Either way do not discourage her. Learn to discern if and when it is imagination, her crying out for attention or a spirit. Children are more open to spirits because they haven't been taught its wrong so you do not want to instil that in her in case she is open to the spiritual realm

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