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  • Mar 28, 2017, 03:47 PM
    I'm not sure if I have the somatoform disorder or not.
    Hey, hey! I am not sure if im a hypochondriac or not. I always think I'm ill, migraines, stomach aches etc, but I saw that it is normally found in older people. I will say I'm between 11-15. Most the time I'm off school, either on the couch or in bed because i feel 'too sick' too go to school. I take meds for it but they barely work. Also I dont know if i am because my dad told me once that I am so I'm not sure what to think? I don't have anxiety (not that I know of) but sometimes I get really emotional in public. Answers?
  • Mar 28, 2017, 03:50 PM
    What happens when you go to school?

    Who prescribed the meds that don't work? Do you really take them??
  • Mar 28, 2017, 04:04 PM
    When I go to school, I sometimes get small headaches which turn into migraines, however, if I tell my dad it he'll just keep telling me to take more meds.

    They aren't prescribed- I know it sounds silly, but they're just from my local store. My dad never really takes me to the clinic because the pain isn't really a good reason to go to the clinic. Anyway, I do take them
  • Mar 28, 2017, 04:13 PM

    Originally Posted by heyheyybilliejo View Post
    When I go to school, I sometimes get small headaches which turn into migraines, however, if I tell my dad it he'll just keep telling me to take more meds.

    What happens when the headaches turn into migraines? How do you feel and what do you do?


    Originally Posted by heyheyybilliejo View Post
    They aren't prescribed- I know it sounds silly, but they're just from my local store. My dad never really takes me to the clinic because the pain isn't really a good reason to go to the clinic. Anyway, I do take them

    What are the names of these meds? Your parents don't worry that you miss so much school? And the school isn't asking what's going on?
  • Mar 28, 2017, 04:41 PM
    "Just from the store" can be bad for you. Please tell us WHAT you take exactly and how much and how often.
    For instance, I have chronic pain, and take a lot of Tylenol and ibuprofin. I know they are bad for my kidneys and liver, so I try to take as few as possible.
    Also how old you are. 11-15 isn't enough.
  • Mar 28, 2017, 06:53 PM
    Rule #1. Even doctors know better than self diagnose... even they see other doctors.

    The objectivity of a another person is critical in properly diagnosing things. A person can never be truly objective about themselves.

    As an example, To a person suffering from untreated schizophrenia what they experience is very real to them.

    Talk to your doctor the next time you see them.Talk with your parents, never try to self diagnose based on what you read on the internet, or even worse...self medicate.
  • Mar 28, 2017, 08:33 PM
    You are 11 - 15. You have 11 - 15 disorder. Don't make it worse than it is.

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