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  • Dec 27, 2016, 02:16 PM
    Can chlamydia symptoms show up months later?
    Here's the summarized question:I slept with two partners the last four months. One on October 8th. Another and different man consistently since then. I began getting my Chlaymdia symptoms the beginning of December. Who is the likely subject? Whole story... I've had two partners since my last std test last February. I dated one the first four months after that, and the other the six/seven months after that. Both relationships were not set in stone, and yet both told me they hadn't slept with anyone while dating me.My current partner and I have been very on again, off again since October. I was upset and hung out with my most recent "ex" and we fooled around. Tried to have sex (unprotected) but we were too drunk. That was it, and I didn't experience issues until 2+ months later. I got back with my current partner a week or so after of not speaking. Then again we fought in November and didn't speak for two weeks. We slept together upon reuniting... and not too much later I began to experience the symptoms. The beginning of December.. I felt "off"... and so I got tested on Friday. Got the results yesterday that I had chlamydia. I of course felt weird vibes from my current partner's return.. out of the blue he has been saying he hasn't slept with anyone or had an STD before. I thought that was weird as I hadn't prompted him with the question. The past week he has been acting extremely in love with me, which I think is bizarre since he definitely enforced the NSA this whole time. But who knows! I told my most recent partner about my test results and he seemed very calm and also said it couldn't possibly be from him... Opinions?Oh and I also know unprotected sex is sketchy. And obviously I'm an idiot, because here I am.-27 year old single woman.
  • Dec 27, 2016, 05:20 PM
    Could be either, of course if it is the first, the second may well have it now also.
    They both need to be told and tested.

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