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-   -   Hello, I was wondering if u could help me with my hsc major work,just a few questions (

  • Apr 22, 2012, 10:25 PM
    Hello, I was wondering if u could help me with my hsc major work,just a few questions
    So my study is about the sociliaztion of homeschooled children. So in your experience have you ever found kids to grow up disadvantaged in society? Are they usually socially awkard?
    Is it home schoolings fault or how the parent homeschool's a child, isn't it the parents resposilbillity to socialize children after their work is done?
    Why is it seen as so different. Because government schools are the social norm does that mean that they are best? Thanku so much :)
  • Apr 23, 2012, 09:04 PM
    I know a whole bunch of homeschooled people and it really just depends on if the parents let them do other activitys. If thy play sports or get to do stuff with other kids a lot then they will be okay but if the parents keep them locked away then yeah most of them are shy and don't really know what to do around a lot of people. Me personally I think as long as you let them do activitys with other kids it is actually better than putting them in school I mean hey just look at tim tebow lol.
  • Apr 23, 2012, 09:17 PM
    The big effort now is to get homeschooled students involved in various ways with Scouts, after-school sports with public schools and church youth groups, homeschooled students interacting with other homeschooled students in the same town or city, etc. There are several homeschooling magazines and lots of social helps on the internet. Colleges fight to get homeschooled students to apply, so something must be going in the right direction.

    If you are researching this, go to your local public library. They will have tons of stuff for you.
  • Jul 8, 2012, 09:19 PM

    I'm a home schooling mom and I would live to answer this for you. When I first started home schooling our son my husband was concerned for the reason you always hear. Is our son going to be socialized? Well, with sports activities (karate we own a dojo), church classes - vacation bible school and week day services, story hours at libraries when he was young and library visits now, interacting with other home schooled children in our area he doesn't have a problem with socialization. I giggle when that comes up, as an adult in the work force we don't only work in a room with other 40 year olds, we have all different ages, religions, nationalities, etc. It really depends on how the parents work to make sure the child gets to interact with others. As a parent we make the choice to utilize home study for our children so it is up to us to make sure that each child gets what they need to be a well rounded adult.

    I invite you to come to my website and check out some ways to get your child socialized. Have fun with your research.

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