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  • Jan 12, 2015, 06:17 PM
    Why haven't I found my passion?
    I'm a 20 year old college student, and I am majoring in Biology on my way to a Bachelor of Science degree. I enjoy my major, as I do have some interest in Biology, but recently I have been feeling really down because I haven't found my true passion or calling. I am in my second semester of my 2nd year and I have no idea what I want to do with my degree when I am finished school. I also don't have a true hobby that I do everyday, nothing to call my passion. I love to play soccer, listening and finding new music, playing hockey, and a few other things, but nothing that I really spend my free time with. I look at my friends, and they all have something they do that defines them. My girlfriend is a varsity swimmer, and spends so much time doing it and she loves it, and it makes me incredibly jealous that others have found something they do all the time and that they love. Am I doing something wrong? Will I find a passion further down the road? Life is just so boring when I don't have something to really look forward to everyday. Any tips or suggestions to finding my passion?
  • Jan 12, 2015, 06:31 PM
    What do you like to do? When you're bored, sitting at home, what do you wish you were doing?

    You mentioned soccer, hockey, music. Those sound like hobbies to me.

    What do you mean by finding your passion? What does passion mean to you?
  • Jan 19, 2015, 08:08 AM
    You're only in your second year of studies. I graduated with my degree only to find out that although it was exciting, it was not really something that would ever help others. So, volunteer work, which I hope you find time to do, is where I found my passion. I returned to school for another degree, credentialing, etc. I'll never make a ton of money, but I love what I do. It may take years to find your passion, so don't give up. Volunteer!
  • Jan 19, 2015, 08:17 AM
    The secret of finding ones passion is being willing to go out, and explore and experiment with new things outside themselves, in this great big old world.

    Sitting around doing nothing gains nothing. Get out and try things you have never done, and interact with people you never knew existed.

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