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  • Jul 27, 2018, 09:16 AM
    1976 Penthouse Magazine Pets, Dawn Shaw and Sienna Welles
    Back in September, 1976, when I was a teenager growing up in Jacksonville, Florida, I was over at some friends' house partying.We were sitting around the living room table, smoking weed and drinking beer. The host kept his coffee table stocked with the latest Penthouse magazines, and I was thumbing through the September issue and at the same time talking to my friends. While looking through the magazine, I breezed through the pictures of Dawn Shaw and Sienna Welles and since I was multi tasking ( and a little stoned), I thought the pictures I was looking at were of Dawn Wells, Mary Ann of Gilligan's Island. This mistake was "confirmed" when I showed the pics to my friends and said, "Hey, isn't this Mary Ann of Gilligan's Island?" One of my friends said, "Yeah I saw that earlier" and my other friend said, "Hey, now I see why they never left the island." My 2 friends went back to their conversation about the recent Muhammed Ali-Richard Dunn fight and I went on to rolling another joint. Years later I got to wondering if it was Dawn Wells I saw and after a good bit of research I finally found out who it actually was. I was just wondering if there is any recent info on those 2 women on what they're doing these days and what kind of old ladies they made ( recent pics) since they're probably both close to 70 now. Can't find anything recent on the internet about them. Another interesting side note: I have a distinct memory of the next day being in school and another friend asking me if I had seen "Mary Ann in Penthouse". I have since then learned that this HAS to be a false memory as the magazine was the September issue of 1976 and school ended in June of that year. Anyone know what Dawn Shaw and Sienna Welles are doing now?

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