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  • Oct 27, 2010, 03:07 PM
    The Holidays on a tight budget
    Hi Everyone,

    Well it's getting close to Christmas, and many of us (myself included) are on a very tight budget this year. I thought that maybe we could all help each other out. No, I'm not talking about donating money, but maybe we can all help each other find those "must have" Christmas gifts for the lowest prices possible, so our kids and family can have a great Christmas this year.

    So post what you're looking for, post your Christmas list, and let's see if we can all help find these items and save money doing it.

    Also, how do you cut down that Christmas list? Who's on your list and why? Do you buy things just because someone has bought for you in the past, or do you just stick to those you're closest to, or you immediate family? Is it okay to cut people out because you really can't afford it? If so, how do you tell them, or do you tell them?

    So many things to deal with when the holiday season is upon us. It's so stressful, especially when you don't have unlimited funds.

    Maybe we can all help each other get through it this year.

    This thread is open for any discussion, so come one come all. :)
  • Oct 27, 2010, 03:14 PM

    The Christmases my kids remember with the greatest fondness and joy are the ones when we spent a lot of time making cookies and decorating them, made our own gifts for each other and decorations for the house/tree (after going to the library for ideas), and helped other people worse off than we were. The ones they've forgotten are when they got the fancy, expensive toys.
  • Oct 27, 2010, 03:20 PM

    I agree WG. The year that Jared still talks about is the year we made a ginger bread house and volunteered for Santa's anonymous delivering toys. We used to do the SA thing every year, but when the kids were really little it was too hard. I'm planning on doing it again this year, now that the kids are older.

    We always buy a toy for Santa's anonymous, one for a boy Jared's age, and one for a girl Sydney's age. They pick out the toy and really feel good knowing that some child less fortunate than they are gets something for Christmas because of them.

    My kids are very good about understanding that we can't afford the pricey elaborate gifts. Still, as a mom, I want to be able to give them the things they want, or at least have something to put under the tree. I guess I'm the greedy one, I want to give them the best. :o
  • Oct 27, 2010, 03:34 PM

    Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    I want to give them the best. :o

    Then you and R do that -- give them the best, the gifts of your time and imagination. During the holiday season, do some special outdoor thing (yeah, I know where you live) -- go to an area park or forest preserve where you can walk in the woods (after studying up on tracks in the snow or what various trees and bushes are without their leaves or the names of various evergreens or the names of birds you see -- take some dried corn and seeds along or hang peanut buttered/seeded pine cones on branches).

    Have a family meeting and talk about how you want to be eco-friendly (not because you're "poor" -- you're saving the Earth) this Christmas, and begin to make plans (go to the library, of course :)). I envy you having small children and the wonderful opportunity ahead of you!
  • Oct 27, 2010, 03:44 PM

    Wonderful ideas WG. My dad would have adored you. Every weekend we'd go on nature hikes and my dad would point out every tree, every bush, every bird, every track. He knew them all. I learned from a young age, but I'm nowhere near as good as my dad was.

    Every year we have what's called "candy cane lane". It's a street where all the neighbors have long ago decided to go all out for Christmas. The decorations, the lighting, it's marvelous. It's gotten very popular in the last few years so it's hard to go (it's often very busy) but it's worth the trouble, and best of all, it's free. :)

    I guess I better get to building. Sydney has begged for a new doll house, and I had planned to make one, but we couldn't afford to get the supplies. Well R brought a whole bunch of wood home the other day, scraps from work, so I can actually make it now.

    Jared would really like a new desk, and a computer. I can build the desk, and maybe we can take the parts from our old computers and make one that works for him. By "we" I mean R. ;)

    You're right, I am blessed. So many times we spend months getting ready for Christmas, shopping, running around, and not realizing that the best gift we can give our families, our kids, is the gift of our time and love.

    Still, I wouldn't mind finding the perfect gift for a really good price. ;)
  • Oct 27, 2010, 03:49 PM

    Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    Still, I wouldn't mind finding the perfect gift for a really good price. ;)

    Rescue another bunny from the shelter.
  • Oct 27, 2010, 03:59 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Rescue another bunny from the shelter.

    LOL! I'd be homeless. R would throw me out.

    If we had a bigger house I'd do it in a heartbeat. Heck, just take me to the shelter and I'd do it. This is why I'm no longer allowed to volunteer there. R, is worried that I'd bring home new fur baby every day. He's right, I would.

    Indy will be going in for his final appointment either this Friday or next. Most likely next as we're burying him in the backyard and R wants the hole dug before we do it. It snowed a few days ago, so it's making digging a bit hard. I don't think getting another fur baby is in the cards any time soon. We're both really upset that it's time for Indy to go to the rainbow bridge. :(
  • Oct 27, 2010, 07:10 PM

    We really don't go wild buying for each other. For our son Nate ( who we never had Santa give anything) we look for things he most likely would have had to get anyway, plus a couple of extras.

    For example ( he does not read my posts) he is in martial arts ( ranks in state competition most years and he major Battle of Atlanta) So this year he is getting all new sparring gear. ( I had some coupons for a big discount from events we have went to) But in other years we would have went to one of the sporting good stores that buys and sells used sporting equipment and maybe even traded in some old equipment. But I will take his old gear and sell after christmas to help with the costs also.

    And of course I used to work some part time jobs going toward christmas, in stores putting things like bikes and sporting goods together,
    This year I was able to book some good weddings , one even on Dec 25 which because of the date has a premium price to it. But odd jobs has normally always paid for our christmas
  • Oct 28, 2010, 10:00 AM

    Alty, could you post the details on how to do the Santa's Anonymous? And what it's about... would love to share it with a few people and try and get it going here :)

    I do paintings for people as gifts a lot, it's cheap for sure, but takes a lot of time so it balances out.

    A great idea for kids is building a remote control car track in your back yard.
    If you have any wasted space you can use it to build one like the picture below.

    The one I saw ages ago looked 100x better than this because they had actually lanscaped around it with plants and flowers and used proper borders. You can even use half a car tyre and put dirt over it to make a tunnel/bridge.

    It's also a good way to encourage friends to visit :)
  • Oct 28, 2010, 03:25 PM

    Santa's anonymous is a great program. I'm not exactly sure who runs it, but a local radio station is the drop of centre for all the toys collected, and they are the ones that promote it, so I'd assume it's the radio station that sponsors it.

    They have bins in a lot of malls all around Edmonton and area. People drop of new gifts (unwrapped) in the bins. Those bins are collected and volunteers wrap the gifts and place them in age categories.

    The people that benefit for it just have to write in, fill out a form, along with the number of children and ages of the children in the household.

    Once the gifts are wrapped volunteers drop off the toys to the locations listed (those that wrote in).

    We always did the driving, and I have to say, even though it was cold, and we often drove all around the city just to deliver to 20 locations, it was so worth it. Often times the families would also get a box of food with a turkey, and all the fixings, so they could have Christmas dinner.

    It's a wonderful program.
  • Oct 29, 2010, 02:43 PM

    Sometimes you can give gifts that keep in giving. Like a book on household experiments you can do in your kitchen. Like the balls from water experiment. (I hope worked for you) and other neat things like that.
  • Oct 30, 2010, 09:07 PM
    Just Dahlia

    Everyone is getting canned tomato something this year. I had an abundance of tomatoes.
    Marinara I
    Marinara II
    Hot Salsa
    Cocktail sauce
    BBQ sauce
    Chili (add meat later)
    I even canned just plain for future stuff.

    Besides the canned goods I usually buy what people have mentioned over the last couple months. I always try for one nice gift, but wrap many for under the tree and I have done this for years.

    This year I have a coupon for a free razor and shaving cream that my son will truly enjoy. (it's a really nice razor:)) Shhhhhh no telling:rolleyes:

    My G-D daughter mentioned she loved the softness of my sheets, so I bought her a set for her bed at home.

    Many people would be thinking 'how lame' but they really do get a kick out of opening funny presents no matter how inexpensive they are.:)
  • Oct 30, 2010, 11:30 PM

    We were really poor when I was growing up.

    I didn't get presents, I got holes cut into the pockets
    Of my jeans.
  • Oct 31, 2010, 12:15 AM

    Originally Posted by Just Dahlia View Post
    Everyone is getting canned tomato something this year. I had an abundance of tomatoes.
    Marinara I
    Marinara II
    Hot Salsa
    Cocktail sauce
    BBQ sauce
    Chili (add meat later)
    I even canned just plain for future stuff.

    Besides the canned goods I usually buy what people have mentioned over the last couple months. I always try for one nice gift, but wrap many for under the tree and I have done this for years.

    This year I have a coupon for a free razor and shaving cream that my son will truly enjoy. (it's a really nice razor:)) Shhhhhh no telling:rolleyes:

    My G-D daughter mentioned she loved the softness of my sheets, so I bought her a set for her bed at home.

    Many people would be thinking 'how lame' but they really do get a kick out of opening funny presents no matter how inexpensive they are.:)

    You do have my address right? :p

    It's going to be hard for us this year as well. Rae's birthday is next Friday. Luckily she is old enough to understand what's going on. All she wants is her graduated driver's license. :(
  • Nov 10, 2010, 10:05 PM

    This year, I am writing a letter to all of my children and my husband, I am going to tell them what they mean to me and why. This is going to be the hardest year we have ever had. They all know it and they all keep saying they don't even see anything they want so whatever they get will be good. That makes me happy, on the other hand, I thought maybe we could go and do something for someone else who has it way worse than we do. Our family has so many things to be thankful for, so, doing without expecting anything in return will do wonders for all of us. I am actually going to enjoy this year,it will be more about being thankful than anything else. With everything we have endured this past year, I think that is all we need, is each other:) Sounds sappy but it is truth... all truth!
  • Nov 10, 2010, 11:44 PM

    Starty, big hugs to you.

    My kids are the same way. They know that we're in a rough spot financially, we don't believe in hiding that from them. Sydney told me yesterday that she'd love it if I made her some barbie and doll clothes. I have tons of scrap material, enough to outfit every doll she has.

    Jared is the same way. He wants a day out with me, just him and me, no one else. That's his Christmas wish.

    Of course the mom in me wants to have tons of presents under the tree for them. I want to see their eyes light up. I want to give them everything I was so blessed to have in my childhood. But, looking back, it was never the presents that mad Christmas great for me when I was young. It was my parents, the time we spent together, family. Boy do I miss them. If I could have one wish this Christmas it would be on last Christmas with my parents. Now who's sappy. :(

    We are blessed. We have our health (so to speak) and we have two wonderful kids, and we have love in this family. So many people don't have that. I am grateful.

    But, having said all of that. If I win the lottery I'm going all out. :)
  • Nov 11, 2010, 07:33 AM

    Originally Posted by startover22 View Post
    This year, I am writing a letter to all of my children and my husband, I am going to tell them what they mean to me and why. This is going to be the hardest year we have ever had. They all know it and they all keep saying they don't even see anything they want so whatever they get will be good. That makes me happy, on the other hand, I thought maybe we could go and do something for someone else who has it way worse than we do. Our family has so many things to be thankful for, so, doing without expecting anything in return will do wonders for all of us. I am actually going to enjoy this year,it will be more about being thankful than anything else. With everything we have endured this past year, I think that is all we need, is each other:) Sounds sappy but it is truth....all truth!

    Great Idea start.
  • Nov 11, 2010, 08:01 AM

    I love Christmas, my favorite Holiday. It always meant love and closeness to family, the most special time of the year. It still is but since my mother passed it is also my most sad time of the year. Many beautiful memories and seeing her smiling face in my mind and heart, miss her a lot.

    I want a new AUDI Q6!! :)

    Nothing gives me more pleasure than giving to my loved ones and helping others at this most wonderful time of the year...

    Early and even before Thanksgiving but MERRY CHRISTMAS to you!!

  • Nov 11, 2010, 02:56 PM

    Not too early for me Stringer, we Canadians already had our Thanksgiving. :)
  • Nov 11, 2010, 04:58 PM

    Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    Not too early for me Stringer, we Canadians already had our Thanksgiving. :)

    Okey dokey hon, then (just) MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!

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