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  • May 16, 2012, 08:51 PM
    Husband always accuse me of cheating and sleeping with my children father
    I have been married for 6 yrs.. we have no kids together but 7 total.. since a hysto surgery I have had some medical issues that prevents. Me to have sex on a regular. Basis.. he has been deemed disabled and can't work.I work full time and school.. so sex fits in when it can. I know that's a duty of the wife. But since he has been off work he has gained an extra 110 lbs.. total 323.. but that's not the big issue.. since we don't have sec every day on every min I'm cheating... on him with my kids dad.. (really) he has it all planned out in his head... he is bipolar times 10.. if anything gets missing he accuses my daughter of taking whatever it may be.. he says he wants out of the marriage and hell help me.find somewhere to stay.. but then he turns around and say he's going to show me how mean he can be.. I'm just like which one is going to be... if that's what he wants why keep going on and on.. I don't argue back I just tell him. Hes right.. for example. He asked what are we going to do? but he just said last week he's done and wants out.. but then I'm cheating.. and just announce how he can and will bring different women home.. I know it makes him mad that I'm not getting mad.. but why accuse me when I'm not doing anything but work and school..
  • May 17, 2012, 07:08 AM
    He's going to bring women home! Well that's just rude.

    Is he off his meds? Someone should make sure he takes them.

    Is he able to at least walk and become motivated, even if only a few steps at a time?

    Be assertive and standing up for yourself, you're not a doormat.

    Tell him you no longer will tolerate his threats, accusations, rudeness and disrespect.

    No he's not right…in more ways than one!

    Take care of you & be safe~
  • Jan 24, 2018, 05:14 PM
    You are abused. You have no duty to have sex--only you own your body. I would get a social worker to come into your home and get the gist of all this. If he doesn't submit to medication/therapy perhaps he can be moved.

    You are the breadwinner; tired; and have your own physical problems. If he can't appreciate this, divorce him and allow him to find a place to live with his own side of the family.
  • Jan 24, 2018, 05:55 PM
    This thread is nearly 6 years dead.. and the original poster hasn't been back.

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