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  • Oct 26, 2008, 12:41 PM
    Is there life after death?
    What happens after life

    Does actually heaven and hell exits...

  • Oct 26, 2008, 12:43 PM

    no... you die... you don't have a little spirit that comes out of your body and haunts people or floats off to a new world or whatever... your brain stops.. heart stops.. body stops.. you die.. end of stry
  • Oct 26, 2008, 12:50 PM

    I believe the spirit leaves the body after death. There have been too many experiences with people I know about this to think otherwise.
  • Oct 26, 2008, 12:53 PM

    Originally Posted by southerngalps View Post
    i believe the spirit leaves the body after death. there have been too many experiences with people i know about this to think otherwise.

    Wait wait wait... so where is this spirit when you are living?? Have not found one is a single surgery I have done yet...
  • Oct 26, 2008, 12:56 PM

    It is a soul. You can't see it. It is everything that makes up a person without the body.:)
  • Oct 26, 2008, 12:57 PM

    So you are going to tell me that an invisible soul comes out and floats around.. I'm guessing you are a Christian... alot of things seems to be invisible in Christian beliefs including God himself
  • Oct 26, 2008, 01:01 PM

    Well, I was raised catholic. I haven't been to church in over 10 years. So it has nothing to do with what I am practicing. All I said was I know of too many occurrences to think otherwise. I really don't feel like having a debate right now. So you take care and have a great day!
  • Oct 26, 2008, 01:02 PM

    I won...
  • Oct 26, 2008, 01:03 PM

    Good for you, but that's not how it works here. You'll learn, surgeon.
  • Oct 26, 2008, 11:28 PM
    Maggie 3
    The spirit of man goes into an everlasting state when the body
    Dies and it is not visible to the human man. The spirit lives moves and has its
    Being forever' it is immortal and cannot die. Christians go to be the Lord, to a place of bliss called paradise. Those who are not christians go to a place of suffering and
    Torment called hell. They wait there for a final judgment, while those who are dead
    In Christ wait for their final rewards. We will know our own identity and recognized
    Other people. This is what the bible teaches and I believe it. There are lots of things we cannot see with our natural eyesight.You cannot see love or fear or the feelings of
    Another person, that is in there spirit, we may see some reaction on a person body
    But you can not know how a person feels until he tells you. You cannot see or feel what
    Is in another persons spirit or being but God can. God is all knowing. My spirit has
    Experienced heaven and hell here on earth and we choose what way we will live and
    Believe. I have been in a hell right here on earth and it was torment for years.
    I saw the truth of God and was delivered out of my torment.I have peace, love
    And joy in my spirit now and have no doubt about the hereafter, I will take it all with me. The bible shows us the way, the truth and the life and you can miss it, if you don't read
    And seek the truth. So wake up and seek the light.

    Maggie 3
  • Oct 27, 2008, 07:15 AM

    Originally Posted by Maggie 3 View Post
    The spirit of man goes into an everlasting state when the body
    dies and it is not visible to the human man. The spirit lives moves and has its
    being forever' it is immortal and cannot die. Christians go to be the Lord, to a place of bliss called paradise. Those who are not christians go to a place of suffering and
    torment called hell. They wait there for a final judgment, while those who are dead
    in Christ wait for their final rewards. We will know our own identity and recognized
    other people. This is what the bible teaches and I believe it. There are lots of things we cannot see with our natural eyesight.You cannot see love or fear or the feelings of
    another person, that is in there spirit, we may see some reaction on a person body
    but you can not know how a person feels untill he tells you. You cannot see or feel what
    is in another persons spirit or being but God can. God is all knowing. My spirit has
    experienced heaven and hell here on earth and we choose what way we will live and
    believe. I have been in a hell right here on earth and it was torment for years.
    I saw the truth of God and was delivered out of my torment.I have peace, love
    and joy in my spirit now and have no doubt about the hereafter, I will take it all with me. The bible shows us the way, the truth and the life and you can miss it, if you don't read
    and seek the truth. So wake up and seek the light. Maggie 3

    Yes this is the common Christian belief... God this and God that.. ok here is a good question... are you saying that when I die I got to heaven and I get to play with my dead cat Foxy and I get to chill on the couch with my Gramps? Exactly you are saying its my spirit that goes... not my brain that holds all my memory.. if this is true I would have a floating ball of nothing... no memory, no brain to control action... see it doesn't exactly make a lot of sense scientifical... but then you are going to argue the existence of God and his mysterious powers... so you want to say things happen for a reason? No, things happen because we as a person choose actions everyday just like everyone else. Depending on the action we choose affects our outcome and the outcome of anyone affected by our action.
  • Oct 27, 2008, 03:58 PM
    Maggie 3
    Yes we will have new bodies better than we have now we are not going to be
    disembodied spirits. Those who believe in Jesus are going to have bodies just
    like the resurrection bodes of Jesus. They will be a glorious, wonderful bodies.
    This is what the bible teaches. The ones that did not live for Him will be in a place
    of torment and punishment. The life we live now will depend on how we spend our days in the hereafter. Read in the bible 2Cor. 5:1-10 Jesus said " I am the resurrection and the life. He who believe in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives
    and believes in ME SHALL NEVER DIE." It is the family of God that goes to heaven,
    all af us that are believers. 1 corinthians 2-9"Eye hath seen, nor ear heard, neither have
    entered into the heart of man, the the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him." If your grandparents were christian you will see them in heaven we will know
    other people in heaven and there will not be any tears we will have complete peace
    and unity. In heaven we will know just like we do here on earth, except more so.
    Our desire to sin will be no longer be a part of our being. If you read 1Cor & 2 Cor
    you can learn a lot about life after death. Read from a living bible so you can understand better. Let me know if I can help you more.

  • Oct 30, 2008, 01:16 AM
    If God loves us it makes absolutely no sense that he would send anyone to hell.
    God is supposedly a being higher than the highest fathomable.
    Don't you think a being of his stature would be beyond human emotion such as anger to send those he supposedly loves to hell and is happy with to heaven?
    No. We gave him human characteristics because he is a product of our limited imagination and needs.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 01:52 AM

    In the Bible Jesus said, beleave in him, and love him, and ask for forgiveness that you will always live thourgh him, and never die. This is how you get to heaven to be with God. And God is real not imaginatoin.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 01:55 AM

    If you don't beleave in God ,then you will go to hell. Bottom line!
  • Oct 30, 2008, 01:57 AM
  • Oct 30, 2008, 03:36 AM
    Only one thing about religion makes any sense if you actually think about it.
    The only sense it makes is that it's something we needed for comfort, and to explain mysteries of the universe that science couldn't yet explain.
    But of course people can't let that go because they're afraid.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 03:18 PM
    Maggie 3

    Heaven is the place for the family of God and
    with God. We are all sinners here on earth
    but we who are believers and have faith in
    Jesus have been forgiven of sin.We are the childern of God.There is no sin in heaven, this is where love, peace and joy is. No sickness sinners or fears in heaven.Gods word the bible explains who He is and if you wll make it. There is no fear in God or His childern. We know the truth and it sets people free of sin and fear. Fear of God is for unbelievers. When you become His child there is no fear, there is no reason for fear.

    Maggie 3
  • Oct 30, 2008, 03:57 PM
    Yes, I believe there is life after death. If it didn't, what would be the purpose of life? :confused: There would be absolutely no purpose if there was not life after death. I believe that most people are able to move on after death to their afterlife, where ever that may be. I do believe in the supernatural and the unexplained, however, I don't think everyone that dies sticks around to haunt the living. The ones that do may have had a very tragic death, unfinished business, or some other attachment that does not allow them to move on to where they are suppose to be. I personally believe that there are many dimensions. We are in one dimension and there are other dimensions for the ones that have passed on. I don't have any idea what these dimensions are like where obviously I am very much alive and also not a psychic. Everyone must come to their own conclusion. It's a matter of faith and what you choose to believe. Hope this helps, even a little, in your search! The only other thing I can suggest is to keep an open mind and Good Luck!! :)
  • Oct 30, 2008, 04:11 PM

    Originally Posted by Maggie 3 View Post
    Heaven is the place for the family of God and
    with God. We are all sinners here on earth
    but we who are believers and have faith in
    Jesus have been forgiven of sin.We are the childern of God.There is no sin in heaven, this is where love, peace and joy is. No sickness sinners or fears in heaven.Gods word the bible explains who He is and if you wll make it. There is no fear in God or His childern. We know the truth and it sets people free of sin and fear. Fear of God is for unbelievers. When you become His child there is no fear, there is no reason for fear.

    Maggie 3

    "Fear of God is for unbelievers."... I don't believe but I'm not afraid. If you think about it we are just part of the world, part of everything that started and will end as all things end. There is nothing sad or scary about living a life in which you believe there's no afterlife. There is nothing to be afraid of, regardless of whether you believe in God or not.

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