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  • Mar 28, 2011, 03:01 PM
    Someone is always chasing me and trying to kill me in my dream. What does that mean?
  • Mar 29, 2011, 09:29 PM

    Dreams do not necessarily mean anything.

    The brain makes up input during sleep ,
    It has been said that it is an attempt to
    Rationalize events by the brain.
    Some actual experiences , some not.

    If a dream keeps repeating , or it actually predicted something
    Occurring . Then they may need to be addressed.

    But for the most part they are just dreams.
    I am no expert concerning dreams , but this
    Is how I understand what I have encountered
    On the subject.
  • Mar 30, 2011, 03:18 AM

    To repeatedly dream of being chased suggests there is something in life you are trying to avoid.

    The fact that someone is trying to kill you can be interpreted several ways. Maybe it signifies the degree of fear regarding whatever you want to avoid. Maybe it is more about the degree to which you are actually avoiding something - as though you are 'killing off' a certain part of your own emotions rather than deal with whatever is bothering you subconsciously. Death can also signify an ending or significant change. Whether of a way of life, a relationship, or a way of thinking.

    Is there some big change in your life that you don't want to face? Or something else that is worrying you?
  • Jun 4, 2011, 02:58 PM
    Yes I have finally decided to let go of a realationship that was bringing me down. Things were being said to me but her actions did not follow the words what she would say..
    I basically felt like she was holding on to me and saying what she thought I needed to hear in order to keep me still in close and not walk away.
    I felt this to be the hardest decision ever for me :( perhaps that is why I am dreaming of someone chasing me trying to kill me...

  • Oct 28, 2011, 05:50 AM
    The same thing is happening to me. I keep dreaming about Chinese people trying to kill me and my sister,which I haven't seen in awhile. I keep having the dream though and it's scaring me.
  • Jan 19, 2012, 07:42 AM
    I've been tossin and turning sleeping for an hour or so only a day but dream about someone trying to kill me in my own house.. Idk.. For some reason I can remember it from awhile back.. And It's been the same guy trying to kill me...
  • Mar 20, 2012, 10:35 AM
    I keep having a re-occuring dream that someone is chasing me and I'm running and hiding from this person but in my dream I never figure out who it is or why I'm running and I never get caught either... I have had this dream over and over...
  • Apr 1, 2012, 09:08 PM
    I keep having dreams of someone trying to kill me. This has been going on for a few months and sometimes I wake up really scared. Its always a male but a different person sometimes. I never know who they are but I always run and I wake up before they get close enough to actually kill me. In my dreams my parents or my friends might be with me but then suddenly they are gone and I'm alone. Then the man always comes for me. I don't know why I keep having these dreams but it bothers me
  • Apr 24, 2012, 01:51 AM
    I have the same dream all the time that I'm being chased and beaten up
  • May 1, 2012, 08:14 AM
    I had the same dream and in the same situation. The relationship is bringing me down and she says things to keep me holding on. I have lost a lot of feeling and respect and trust for her.
  • May 12, 2012, 12:25 AM
    Ive just had a dream that some foreign guy is wanting to kid napp then kill me in my own house too! An my family members were there.. In the dream we got away in a car.. And I'm having the same issues with my partners as the guy said up the top so I'm guessing its related to that.. Freaky!
  • May 12, 2012, 12:28 AM
    So happy other people are dreaming the same dreams as me!! It probably is about your partner as I've had a lot of issues with my boyfriend and the same thing where its all talk to keep me sweet but no action and it has really been getting me down. Looks like uve got to make a choice hope they change or leave...
  • Jun 5, 2012, 11:55 PM
    I have the same dream I run to a well populated place, sit there for a while mock him and run off after all the people left the area.
  • Jul 30, 2012, 07:41 PM
    The same thing happen to me I let a relationship go
    Because it was not working out and I being having this scary dream dirrent people trying to kill me
  • Aug 18, 2012, 08:11 PM
    Wow thanks it really is helpful haha and yes I didn't want to face a person well the situation because our friendship was on the line but it was mostly embarrassement
  • Aug 22, 2012, 02:42 PM
    I Have The Same Dream, And I Have Been Having Them Repeatly , This Guy its not the same one each dream but they chase me out of No where. But somehow I always escape!
  • Aug 24, 2012, 08:15 AM
    I have repeatedly had nightmares from my teenage years - I'm always lost, half naked, being chased (whether by a man trying to kill me, a gang of kids or even once a raging lion! Ive even had a soldier stick a gun in my face and I woke up swetty and crying. The dreams stopped for a while once I broke up with my ex who was physically abusing me a few years ago but they've started again, not as frequent at all, but just as upsetting. I have a new boyfriend now and he is almost perfect so I can't understand why I still have these nightmares :( they can leave me feeling really sad for the first half of my day
  • Aug 26, 2012, 06:46 AM
    I've been having these dreams for years now. Its where I'm being chased either alone or with my brother.The people are always trying to capture me/us, and I think they would take us some place dangerous, I'm not sure what it would mean but so far I've visited 6 websites and they all say I'm trying to avoid a problem, or can't help deal with something that is worrying me, hope this information helps those with the same problem
  • Oct 16, 2012, 01:39 AM
    I have had some what of the same dream for a few years now. A vampire usually in an arina is chasing me, trying to kill me. When I looked into it, it explained that it's anxiety from owing someone something or always running from something, and you'll usually have the dream if you don't face a fear that day. So I would say Always Face Your Fears. 143
  • Oct 16, 2012, 03:02 PM
    It also means you need to turn the TV off.

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