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  • Aug 7, 2015, 09:29 AM
    Member of the church has cataracts. Humana for surgery is $100.00 co-pay
    But the lens cost is unknown. They offer the standard lens(Monofocal) you still need glasses
    To read. And then Multifocal Lens where you do not need any glasses.

    I wonder approx what these cataract lens cost.

    The person has blurred vision
  • Aug 7, 2015, 10:16 AM
    I don't think any kind of glasses will make him see better. He has cataracts which don't go away and get worse over time. Can he not have them removed, or afford to have them removed?

    Of course his vision is blurred. That is why they are called cataracts because it is like looking through moving water !
  • Aug 7, 2015, 10:40 AM
    Yes he can afford the operation. He is 75 years old.Only has to pay $100.00
    Co pay for the surgery part. He has Humana Medicare. But the cost of the lens after the surgery is done, that what we do not know. You have Standard Lens and Multifocal Lens. What is the cost of the lens?
  • Aug 7, 2015, 12:30 PM

    Originally Posted by pastor1189 View Post
    Yes he can afford the operation. He is 75 years old.Only has to pay $100.00
    Co pay for the surgery part. He has Humana Medicare. But the cost of the lens after the surgery is done, that what we do not know. You have Standard Lens and Multifocal Lens. What is the cost of the lens?

    Cant tell you the cost of lenses but the surgery follow up to a specialist can.
  • Aug 7, 2015, 01:19 PM
    Thank you
  • Aug 7, 2015, 01:48 PM
    This is as good an explanation someone in the US with Medicare is going to get, because each individual will vary in their needs, medically, and in what they choose for a lens.
    I don't know about the second paragraph, ".. expect to pay an additional $449 or $895 per eye." That might refer to the eye condition, or it might be the price for one eye followed by both eyes.
    I think it refers to the kind of condition, because I don't know anyone who has just one eye done.

    How much does cataract surgery cost? | Restoration Eye Care | Columbia, Missouri's Premier LASIK and Cataract Surgeon | Restoration Eye Care
  • Aug 7, 2015, 02:56 PM
    Wonderful to get an idea of what the lens may cost.
  • Aug 7, 2015, 03:17 PM
    I thank you for bringing this up. I have been postponing cataract surgery for years. Not bad enough yet.
  • Aug 7, 2015, 11:21 PM
    He can call Humana and they can tell him exactly how much everything will cost.
  • Aug 8, 2015, 03:41 AM
    Thanks again

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