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  • Jan 13, 2018, 09:58 PM
    Why do I itch when I try to sleep
    I need to stop itiching when I try to sleep
  • Jan 14, 2018, 06:37 AM
    Hello Sam,

    Could it be dry skin? Try moisturizing lotion before bed, or take a look at what you sleep in, the bed or jammies, if you wear them LOL. Let me know what happens or what you find.
  • Jan 14, 2018, 07:09 AM
    Hi, please ask this under Medical. I'll be happy to give my experience with this.
  • Jan 14, 2018, 07:36 AM
    Moved to appropriate category.
  • Jan 14, 2018, 09:25 AM
    I've had dry skin my whole life. Now at 71, it's even drier.
    The one solution that worked for me for sleeping was to stay in my clothes (unless I was really grungy)!
    The small amount of oil produced by the skin during the day is still in your clothes, and it provides a small amount of protection.
    In winter, I go as long as I can between showers, too, and I'm not embarrassed to say so. For me it's the difference between massive itching and even crusty, extra itchy spots, vs. ability to sleep.
    Of course I also use unscented and cream soaps like Dove or home made shea butter or cocoa butter, and use it sparingly.
    Dry gently, and walk around nude for a while to allow air on your skin, part of skin health.
    Sometimes I put a few drops of lotion on a big towel so I can apply it to my back.
    Just last winter I discovered that microfiber long underwear helps tremendously.

    Tendency to dry skin is partly diet and partly genetic. You can google a good dietary approach.
    But I had dry skin since early childhood, while my sister had extra oily skin. She battled acne, and I never had any. Her hair got super oily immediately after washing it, while mine was always dry.
    I have a friend who is an MD. She went from dry skin to very oily skin overnight, after a concussion. The pituitary and hypothalamus work together to control involuntary functions. I would guess that maybe her injury hit the hypothalamus.

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