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  • Feb 28, 2015, 07:47 AM
    What is the best technology to prefer if we want to keep a fake experience?

    I know that it is illegal to keep fake experience but I'm help less because I'm 2012 B-tech passed out with 75%(distinction) and I did not get any job after trying for all these years and I'm so vexed up. My parents have lots of hopes on me that I'll be settled in my life. But that did not happen till now. So I want to learn a good current running technology where I can manage with my technical skills. So please kindly help me on what technology can I get trained to become successful in my life.
  • Feb 28, 2015, 07:54 AM
    Where are you? What jobs have you tried to get, and what are your skill levels. Have no clue what a B-tech is. I am sure though you know why you have NOT been hired anywhere. Tell me what have you've been told.

    Seems you are not experienced enough in your field. So may have to take a lesser job to gain some experience or at least get your foot in the door to moved up the ladder later.

    Maybe its a matter of more advanced education. For sure lying about qualifications or experience is not good. To get a good job,you have to know what an employer wants and have qualifications that beat whatever competition you face. Sometimes you have to take a job thats not in your preferred field while you find a better job.
  • Feb 28, 2015, 07:59 AM

    Top post about online boot camp?

    Your terms are all new to me as an American.

    The future of computing is mostly mobile apps and adaptations at the moment. But having friends on the cutting edge since the late 70s, I assure you that no computing field stays the same for very long, and you have to keep learning constantly.
  • Feb 28, 2015, 08:14 PM
    Most employers will fire you when they find out you lied on your application. Even 5 or 10 years from now. They have fired people over 20 years later. Get fired for that and word does get around. Further and faster than you might think. 75% where I am from is technically passing... but not by much. You are going to have to work hard to impress anyone doing interviews to overcome that. And despite what you might think. The real education begins after you get your first real job. Even if you graduated with 100% you would not know everything after you start your new job. You have to be able to learn to apply what you learned towards what you need to learn for the job. THat is more difficult than the schooling was itself most times.

    Speaking as someone that earned a degree in engineering... and found that out for himself.
  • Mar 1, 2015, 02:14 AM
    I'm from Hyderabad, India. From my child hood on wards I'm good at studies. I would be very happy if I get a chance with out any lie in experience.


    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Where are you? What jobs have you tried to get, and what are your skill levels. Have no clue what a B-tech is. I am sure though you know why you have NOT been hired anywhere. Tell me what have you've been told.

    Seems you are not experienced enough in your field. So may have to take a lesser job to gain some experience or at least get your foot in the door to moved up the ladder later.

    Maybe its a matter of more advanced education. For sure lying about qualifications or experience is not good. To get a good job,you have to know what an employer wants and have qualifications that beat whatever competition you face. Sometimes you have to take a job thats not in your preferred field while you find a better job.

  • Mar 1, 2015, 04:30 AM
    If you lie avout your experience you WILL be found out and you will be fired.
  • Mar 1, 2015, 07:29 AM
    I think you should broaden your job search my friend, and be honest about your qualifications, and experiences when applying. Many are faced with the decision to get a job where there is more competition and qualified people, in the fields we went to school for, and getting a job in other related, or not so related fields, to put us on a better path to both experience, and EMPLOYMENT.

    It may be frustrating for now, but working and being gainfully employed doesn't mean you have to stop upgrading your skills in the field you seek for a life career. It's a matter of staying prepared for future options and opportunities that may arise in the future.

    Are you employed now at all?
  • Mar 1, 2015, 08:44 AM
    I have seen several references from your part of the world about 'fake experience.' I'm not sure the rest of us know what it really means. Work study? School projects? Or flat out lies?

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