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-   -   I was trying to see if I can interview one of you doctors for a collage report (

  • May 10, 2013, 11:59 PM
    I was trying to see if I can interview one of you doctors for a collage report
    What exactly is your job title? How long have you been doing your job? What do u do on a daily bases? What are the educational requirements to enter this field? Would u recommend this career to me or to anyone else? How did you decide to make this your career? What is the entry level salary? What are the fringe benefits? What is the employment outlook for this work? If you could change your current career for another what career would you choose and why? What is the greatest challenge your current job? What about your job makes you smile?
  • May 11, 2013, 01:09 AM
    The only MD who answers questions on this site (on a specific medical topic) is here rarely.
    Your questions don't even really apply to a doctor, and some are pretty absurd for a doctor.

    Your best bet, if you think you might want to be one, is to talk to one in person where you live. There will be wide variations around the world.

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