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  • Dec 10, 2012, 10:12 AM
    Homeschool kindergarten
    My middle soon is 5yrs old. His kindergarten teacher is 90% sure she will be holding him back for another year. The first semester is not even over yet! I know that my son has struggled some, but also I know that many people in our tiny community believe she is too hard on the children. I was thinking for this next semester that I would like to try homeschooling him. He is one of the happiest boys around but already hates school. If anything I think a
    He may come to appreciate the public school more after sitting out a semester at home. Also with any luck, she can retest him and he can go on to 1st grade in the fall. Many of my son's Great Aunts and also his grandmother are teachers and believe that he needs to be in a gifted class. Anyone who spends a few minutes with him also believe that. So naturally I feel that the school setting has something to do with his problem. With very little time, I need to find a way to make this work.
  • Dec 10, 2012, 10:29 AM
    I strongly suggest you ask for a staffing that includes you, the principal, the teacher, the school counselor if there is one, anyone at the school who regularly interacts with your child, and someone you know (one of those relatives you mentioned?) and who knows the child.

    You do realize home schooling is not a walk in the park, right? And as a teacher, I found out that my worst students were my own children -- and I was their worst teacher. And pulling him out of school for such a short time sends all the wrong messages to him.
  • Feb 13, 2013, 04:11 PM
    I'm not exactly experienced, but I would not recommend homeschooling. I was home-schooled for a year when I was in 1st grade, and it is not what you would imagine homeschooling like. Kids can't really learn academically from their parents. Kids don't think of their parents as mentors, only as role-models, or even worse things. We learn better around teachers, probably because we know that our parents will love us even if we don't do well. Kids seek attention. If a child does well, then they want to be recognized. Their parents will recognize them, no matter what (at least, most will) but teachers may not. That's why they strive to get attention from others.

    I would recommend sending him to another school, or asking another teacher to teach him in the next semester.
  • Feb 16, 2013, 06:12 PM
    Why is the teacher asking for another year of Kindergarten? Are there skills he isn't achieving? I am a Kindergarten teacher, so I'm hoping to help you. Please give more detailed information so I can better understand.

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