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  • Jan 11, 2019, 07:29 AM
    I want people to accept that I have autism, not be driven away by it?
    I am on the autism spectrum, though I have to say my symptoms have improved with time and age, yet I still do experience a little trouble in social situations. I can be pretty hard on myself when I make social errors, you could say I'm my own worst critic and I often find myself over-analyzing the reasons as to why people who are not the autistic spectrum feel uncomfortable around me when I do. After all, aren't there much worse things to suffer in this world than mere social repercussions? A clear distinction should be made between criminality and non-conformity. I'm fully aware what constitutes crime and what doesn't, and I'm a complete law-abiding citizen. Also, it's not like I've wound up dead in the street or become homeless or anything like that. People can't discriminate against you or refuse to provide you any kind of service just because your brain is wired differently from theirs. In all honesty, I'd much prefer I wound up alone with nobody than feel forced to act in a way that doesn't come naturally to me. And if people are too embarrassed to be around me, shouldn't that say more about them than about me? Ok, well maybe I don't actually want to wind up alone, but I do want them to accept me for the person I am. I didn't choose to be this way after all. Shouldn't people realise that?
  • Jan 11, 2019, 08:34 AM
    I really get your situation, but to be fair how would anyone who you interact with even know of your condition, or how it affects how you relate to others? They can only deal with what they know and let's face it, autism is not that widely known or understood very well by most, and even less about the ever widening spectrum that more are suffering from. Sometimes the reaction of others to you, you are aware of is about THEM, and not you, and no one can control the words, actions or behavior of others and we all have our "conditions" to deal with.

    I have to ask though, having been diagnosed with autism, do you have help and support for dealing with it, and devising coping strategies to deal not just with the reaction of others, but how you react to your own situation? I think that's the key for you is the support system you have developed over the years since being diagnosed.

    We all need some sort of guidance and support so in that you are not alone. Matter of fact, I suspect you are more like the rest of us flawed humans, than you are different. Maybe it helps to think while you know what you are dealing with, others not diagnosed do not, and have no clue about there own flaws or conditions, and how to deal with themselves.

    Is there a support group for autistics near you? Maybe your doctor or therapist if you have one can help you find one. Then you would maybe not feel alone, and learn how others cope with their autism. I realize you didn't choose to be this way, but I think you can choose how YOU deal with it.
  • Jan 11, 2019, 10:33 AM
    I would love to have people like and understand me also, I am a loud mouth jerk often and love Trump, want a wall, believe the bible tells us that it is a sin to be gay.

    So guess what a lot (lots) of people will not like me because of my bumper sticker, my MAGA hat, or my personal beliefs.

    You have people who like you, that will, and others that will not. You can not change what others think or feel.

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