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  • Nov 9, 2012, 03:00 PM
    Recurring dreams about fire
    For over a year now I've had recourring dreams about fire. Sometimes I have two a week then they go for months then return. The main storyline is that I am walking somewhere and there is somebody running after me flicking a cigarette lighter but trying very hard to make sure the flame catches me and its so frightening. I have no idea who the person is I've not met them in real life. But a few times I had petrol poured over me in the dream and the person kept flicking the lighter then I woke up beause I must have died. And the dreams are very disturbing. Do these dreams symbolize something? I think a medium told me a while ago that these dreams are because I was set on fire in my past life that was how I died. And also in real life I have some pyrophobia. If I'm walking and someone behind me flicks a lighter for a cigareete I get so scared like in my mind I'm worried it might catch me or something. So if someone smokes around me they have to step away while they light it. And also in real life I hate to be near an open candle because in my head I fear I'll catch it or knock it. Are these fears stemming from my past life and the dreams as well? And also I feel stupid that if I'm around people and there are canles or lighters and I worry they they think that I have a strange phobia. Is the phobia because I was burned in a past life? Please help. Thanks
  • Nov 9, 2012, 04:49 PM
    Nope, no past lives. You live once, you die once.

    Phobias can have many sources. This doesn't mean your issue doesn't have spiritual implications however.

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