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  • Jan 4, 2015, 11:07 AM
    I got a deep cut that hasn't healed in 3 weeks is it infected?
    I got a marble put in about 3 weeks ago it has been leaking, looks like water but doesn't run. Hasn't closed it is now swollen is it infected or did I just disturb it by squeezing it to hard?

    I clean it daily with Hydrogen Peroxide and with 50% Isopropyl Alcohol and I shower daily.
  • Jan 4, 2015, 11:22 AM
    A doctor is your best bet to find out if its infected, and what should be done about it. I wouldn't squeeze it anymore until you have seen the doctor.
  • Jan 4, 2015, 11:41 AM
    The worse thing you can do is clean it daily with hydrogen peroxide, and with alcohol. This absolutely does not help the healing process. And why do you keep on squeezing it? Okay, so you shower daily, some people are just not good healers and you have already. The liquid, if clear, is okay. Start bathing it with a solution of sea salt and warm water and for gods sake keep your hands off it unless you wash them well first.

    If green bloody matter starts leaking, then see your doctor.
  • Jan 4, 2015, 09:06 PM
    Was it stitched?
  • Jan 4, 2015, 09:13 PM
    Wondering if I just don't know the jargon, of if it's a misspell. What's a marble? You said you had it put in, so I'm assuming a doctor put it in? If so, whey haven't you gone back to the doctor with this issue you're having?

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