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  • May 13, 2012, 09:18 AM
    Do I have to disclose?
    I have been out of work for more than 5 years. When I apply for a job, do I have to disclose work history if its been that long? I don't even remember anything except the company I worked for. Im in Arizona.
  • May 13, 2012, 09:26 AM
    You do not have to disclose but a possible employer may still want to know. They can ask.
  • May 13, 2012, 09:41 AM
    Ok thank you. That would be much easier. If I just don't disclose it and then if I get an interview and they ask, its much easier to explain, that I have worked, but it was so long ago I don't remember the details lol
  • May 13, 2012, 09:52 AM
    Keep in mind that when an employer has many apps they screen them to narrow down the pool, can't always interview everyone who applies. Lack of a work history may cause an HR director to just pass you over. You don't need details , just where and approximately when.
  • May 13, 2012, 09:58 AM
    Thanks hon. I do know the years. And about how long. So I will add that.
  • May 13, 2012, 10:11 AM
    Don't forget that you've been hard at work raising a child and improving your life. You might want to consider a functional resume that would show off your skills and abilities rather than your work history (which will still be on the resume, but not front and center). I've been helping people with resumes since 1985 (before you were born?), so let me know if I can help in any way.
  • May 13, 2012, 11:49 AM
    Lol not before I was born. I'm not THAT young. I was 1 in 85 ;)

    I actually didn't think of that. I have a business resume that has my business skills and my schooling and diploma. But for the non medical jobs I apply for while waiting for the job I WANT, I bet that would work awesome
  • May 13, 2012, 01:39 PM
    Have this close to the top (tailored to fit you) --


    > Offer professional-quality administrative assistant skills and excellent work ethic
    > Am proficient, loyal, thorough
    > Possess effective interpersonal and communication skills
    > Quickly comprehend new methods and procedures
    > Work well independently, and effectively within team environments
    > Possess very strong problem-solving skills
    > Have basic computer knowledge

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