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  • Jun 17, 2015, 02:30 PM
    Doing Strength training and cardio 4 times a week with 3 boiled eggs a day only.

    I may sound stupid but I have been desperate to lose weight. I'm a girl 21 years old 5'3 height with 70kg weight and I know I'm 10-12kg overweight. On year 2013 my weight was 78kg and I was stressed and depressed due to family reason & my partner of 4 yrs especially when we broke up my weight went down to 63kg on 2014. Then I had a motivation to start going in to gym but it ddnt help me losing weight as I was eating so much of wrong food (sweets, carbs and too much sugar). Then on September 2014 I heard about water fasting so 8 months I was doing water fasting for 10 days on and off. Like every month I did twice of 10 days water fasting and every time I break my water fasting I could not control my eating habbit, I ate like a pig I craved for sweets a lot like I could eat dessert but not Main food and it went on and on for 8 months until today I realised that by doing it I have gained more so much. I'm back to 71kg now and I am so depressed because of it.

    2 weeks ago, I started to join another gym I workout 4-5times a weekbut I'm still getting there to control what I eat. Unfortunately, I have not loose fat yet because of what I still eat but I have noticed that I'm already building some muscles.
    Question is, I am planning to stick to a strick diet like workout 4-5 times a week. 3 times of strength training with cardio and 1 or 2 times cardio only by only eating 3 Boiled egg a day. Will that be really bad or is that okay to achieve more fat loss?
    Sorry for my english. Thanks a lot for spending some time reading this.
  • Jun 17, 2015, 02:56 PM
    That is too much work out on three boiled eggs day. You should avoid the strength training for the time being and focus on the cardio only. Yiu have to eat a balanced diet, do not miss breakfast. Eat light at lunch, chicken, salads. You need protein daily. Eating properly makes your body burn calories as well.
  • Jun 17, 2015, 03:52 PM
    As tickle said, you need to eat a balanced diet of healthy foods and drinks. Do not eat just hard boiled eggs. You will not get the nutrition that your body and brain need, and you will go back to old habits as you did with the water diet.

    You need to be realistic. Eat and drink well (mostly healthy choices with only occasional sweets), watch portion sizes (smaller and fewer servings), and take regular exercise at least several times a week. Make it what you can actually live with to be successful.
  • Jun 17, 2015, 04:25 PM
    You don't need sweets at all, but you do need slow carbs (google them). Once your liver has released all the glycogen stored there for fast burn like in exercise (all carbs and sugars break down to glycogen), then your body burns MUSCLE! So feel free to eat the equivalent of 3 eggs in protein, but preferably not 3 eggs. Body builders eat the whites, raw, ugh. The yolks are super high in cholesterol, which you don't need that much of. So chicken or fish in addition to eggs. Then you need fresh green veggies - I mean really, how do you think you are going to get fiber and vitamins and minerals?? Metamucil and a pill? You are a poster child for how to do it all wrong. If you feel that you need simplicity, then make a list of what you will eat, only. It's easy and healthy to keep it small.
  • Jun 17, 2015, 04:26 PM
    Nope, what you plan is about the worst thing you can do. Except for the water fast,

    You can expect some weight gain, from building muscle but that is OK, it will work in time. Next stop all of those stupid fad and diets that may kill you or make your body sick.

    You get on a good balanced diet every day. If not the shock to your system will make you crave food worst on other days.

    You exercise and do a good meal and good diet every day.

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